Chapter 17 : Church?

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Frist I want to say that I'm sorry if you don't like what is said in this chapter but, I believe in God. Now I just want to make sure I didn't hurt someone feeling but this.
Two days later
I love that my sons are in relationships but I want to know what the girls believe.
Stormie: Would you girl like to join me for church tonight?
Laura: Sure, have not been to church in a while. She said making me glad that she knows about God.
Savannah: What is church? She said making all of us in the bus stop what we are doing.
Stormie: Savannah, Do you know who God is?
Savannah: God? Who/ what is that?
Stormie: ummm, Will you come to church with me and the girl, and people there will explain it. I said hoping she will soon believe.
Savannah: Sure? She said confused I would be confused if I was here too.
Laura: When is church?
Stormie: An hour.
Laura: Okay Savannah, Do you have a dress to wear?
Savannah: No why do I need to wear a dress? She said still confused.
Rydel: You don't have to but a lot of people do wear dress because it is a place of worship.
Savannah: I didn't bring any dresses.
Rydel: You can wear one of mine. Come on let's go change.

The girl left to get dressed...
Riker: Mom, what if Savannah does not believe after hearing to message? He said worried for her.
Stormie: There is a chance she won't, it is her first time hearing about this. Just have hope and pray she will.
Riker: Okay. He said going to his "room" in the bus.

Stormie: Ready girls?! I get a yes from Laura and Rydel but Savannah looks like she is thinking about something. Savannah, you ready?
Savannah: Yes.
Stormie: okay, come on girl church is right down the road.

I can tell that everyone wants me to believe this but it is just how? Why? I mean how can someone die and rise again. I was thinking about this for the last two hours on the couch. Everyone is watching a movie in the other room.
Riker: You okay? He said looking at me. He must of seen that I was not in their. I shake my head to him.
Savannah: It makes no sense. How? Why? I'm so confused. I said with tears in my eyes.
Riker: Sweetheart. What makes no sense. He said confused.
Savannah: How can someone die and rise again in three day it make no sense. It is impossible.
Riker: He is not just someone Savannah, he is God. He said pulling me into his arms. Savannah, go to sleep think about this in the morning. He continued. As he picks me up and takes me to his bed. Giving me a kiss on the lips and cuddling with me.
Savannah: Goodnight.
Riker: Goodnight, k love you Savannah.
Savannah: Love you too.

In the morning
I woke up moving slowly out of bed not to wake Vanni. I walk into the kitchen and find my mom cooking and everyone sitting at a table talking.
Stormie: Good morning sweetie. Everything okay?
Riker: I don't know, Savannah was asking questions about God and Jesus she is so confused.
Stormie: That could be a good thing, maybe she is getting closer to believing. Church is in a little last night was more of a bible study. We are all going in a hour if that is okay with Vanni. I don't want her to feel weird about all of this.
Riker: It should be okay, she seems interested in all this. I will get her up.

At church
Again, we are at church and I am feeling different like they are talking about how he made the watch with nothing. He made the earth and light and everything. For some reason that made sense to me, it was all kind of making sense it is all like coming together. I want to know more maybe I can ask Stormie later or Come to a bible study tonight alone. Later one we are all going to walk on the town and swim a little at the beach like a half an hour from here.

At the beach
Here we are all at the beach, everyone is in the water but Stormie, Mark, and I. I was looking at water and the sand like it was the first time seeing this.
Stormie: You okay?
Savannah: How did God make all this? I said with question in my eye.
Stormie: *i smiled and looked at Mark he got the massage and left to go in the water.* What do you mean how they talked about it a church.
Savannah: I know but how can you make all of this from nothing.
Seeing that Savannah was really thinking about this I was really happy to see.
Stormie: Why don't you make a list when we get home make a list of things you want to know more about and a list of questions.
Savannah: Okay.

Hopefully I can help her know some she leaves back to La the day after tomorrow. Hope this works!
--------------------------------------------------As always thank you for reading! If you have questions about what any of this means please ask! Please comment and vote.

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