It rang three times before he finally picked up.

"Hello?" came a groggy voice through the phone, Antonio's to be exact.

"Where is Lovino? I'm at the house with Feliciano and I don't want to just leave him here alone."

A slight pause.

"Did he not get our texts?"

"What texts?" Ludwig rose to his feet and began to search for Feliciano's phone.

"The texts that we sent him, saying about how Lovino will be spending the night here tonight. Did he fall asleep before checking his messages?"

Ludwig slowly pushed open the door to Feliciano's bedroom. The blankets had been tossed and turned with Feliciano's movements, and they now only covered below his knees. In the dim light, he could see a blinking blue light come Feliciano's pocket. The messages were sent, just never received.

"Hey! You still there?" came Antonio's voice over the phone.

Ludwig slowly closed the door behind him and returned to the living room. "Yeah I'm here, I saw the blinking light on his phone showing that he has some unread texts. They're probably yours."

"Yeah probably, where is he now? Sleeping?"

He threw a glance back towards Feliciano's door which was now slightly cracked open. I thought I shut it, he thought. "Yeah he's sleeping."

"Okay, well, sorry for that. I guess I should have text you too huh? I'm going to go, I'm tired and Lovino is starting to wake up."

"Alright, bye," he said before hanging up. He sat back down on the couch, staring at the muted TV's moving pictures. He didn't even notice Feliciano until he sat next to him. Ludwig jumped so high in his seat, it must have been a record for the country of Germany.

"Oh, sorry I didn't mean to scare you," said Feliciano, finishing it off with a yawn as Ludwig fought to settle down his speeding heart, which was racing for more reason than one. "Who was that?"

Ludwig ran a hand through his hair as an attempt to look casual. "Antonio." He tried not to pay attention to the way Feliciano's shirt collar hung slightly more to one side, exposing his collar bone, or to his messy hair that in Ludwig's opinion, made him look sexy. Feliciano's sleepy amber eyes fell upon him and he looked away, hoping that he couldn't see the rising heat on his face. He was suddenly thankful of the dark.

"Did he want something?" asked Feliciano, leaning back against the couch with another yawn.

"Yeah, kind of. I'm the one that called him actually. I was asking when Lovino would come back."

Feliciano sat up at that, looking around. "Oh yeah, where is he anyway?"

"He won't be back until tomorrow, he's spending the night at Antonio's dorm."

"Oh..." Feliciano felt a sudden pang in his chest at his next thought, "is that why you called? To see when he would come back so you could leave? It's okay, you don't have to stay. I'll drive you to the dorms if you want me to."

Feliciano began to rise from the couch but Ludwig, slightly stricken by what he was saying, pushed him back down. "What are you talking about? If I wanted to leave I would have done it by now, and yeah I did call to see when he would be back but that was just because of my own curiosity. You don- sit down Feliciano! You don't have to drive me back to the dorms, I would much rather stay here." He felt his cheeks burning brighter at the sight of Feliciano's slight smirk, "I-I mean there is no way that I would leave you alone here. Agh, I mean-" he stopped his rambling and hid his fiery face in his hands.

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