"If you want we can work on the paperwork together so that-"

"Dad I'm not going to college," Brook mumbled before walking over to take a seat on her couch.

"But honey this is a great opportunity for you, you can be a part of the official UK women soccer team," Bryce said as he stood up and walked over to Brook.

"And do you want to be the one to tell mother?" Brook said as she raised one of her eyebrows.

"If that's what your worry about, I can assure you that despite her disapproval she still love you and you will have my support," Bryce said.

For a second I felt awkward sitting there while Brook and Bryce went back and forward about college until it dawn on me to ask Brook a question.

"Why exactly don't you want to go to college? I mean, one thing I know for sure is that you don't exactly want to run the business, why the sudden change in attitude?" I asked causing both of them to look my way.

Clearing her throat, Brook started to scratch the back of her neck before she responded.

"I need to think about the future and what's best for me," Brook responded.

"I'm pretty sure your father wouldn't mind helping you out if you get stuck along the way," I responded.

"There is no rush in taking over the company Brook, we have plenty of money," Bryce chinned in.

"Yea well I don't want to be dependent on my parents forever," Brook responded quickly.

Frowning, I started chewing on the inside of my cheek trying to come up with something to say.

There was always some kind of secret when it came to Brook.

Sighing, I shook my head before standing up from Brook's bed.

"Where are you going?" Brook asked as soon as she saw me heading for her door.

"I don't like secrets, Brook."

Quickly standing up, Brook walked over to me.

"Who says I'm keeping a secret?"

"Brook you don't want to run the company and yet here you are saying you will. If that's the future you want then go ahead."

Just as I was going to turn around, Brook quickly gripped my wrist and spoke.

"Dad, can you give us a few minutes?" Brook asked.

Looking over Brook's shoulder, I watched as Bryce nodded his head before heading over to us.

"I'll be downstairs waiting for you guys, I still want to celebrate my baby's birthday," Bryce said before planting a firm kiss against Brook's temple.

Giving me a warm smile, Bryce also winked at me before heading out the door.

When he was out of eyesight, Brook released my wrist before rapidly speaking.

"I don't want to lose you, Emma."

Surprised at the sudden outburst, I tilted my head before responding.

"You won't lose me, Brook," I responded slowly.

Shaking her head, Brook let out a small sigh before walking back farther into her room.

"Yes, I will," She mumbled.

Following her, I watched as she took a seat on her bed before doing so as well.

"Brook what-"

"What college are you going too?" Brook asked, interrupting me.

Frowning, I thought about it for a second before responding.

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