Chapter 24

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I watch from the one sided glass as Marco tries to get the guy to talk. He has been beating him for hours but he hasn't cracked.

We were in the torture room or should I say Marco was in there. I was outside the room but this little section is like a room itself.

I knock on the glass as a sign of calling him. He was getting riled up because the guy was just sitting there and smirking at him.

"What?" He snaps walking out of the room.

"First I'm gonna ask you to go back in that room and drop the attitude. Don't get a beat down Marco." I sass.

"I'm sorry." He sighs. "How may I help you?" He fakes a smile.

"Ha ha." I straight face him. "Give me fifteen minutes with him."

"If I can't get him to talk how are you gonna? What are you gonna do drop em draws?" He looks at me.

Did he forget who I am? I'm THE AJ.

"Keep talking shit and amma drop your head on the floor. " I glare at him.

I know he's frustrated but if he keeps being disrespectful he's gonna catch a fucking bullet.

"Move out my way." I shove him out my way and enter the room.

I know my limits and what not to do. Being pregnant and all I'm falling back but I also need answers and if it means I'll have to get my hands dirty I'll do it because getting back to the state of being safe is my priority.

"Shane and Richie. " I motion for the two men in the corner of the room to come to me. "Untie him and lay him on the table." I instruct and I watch as they untie him from the chair he's in and drags him to the table.

He struggles trying to break free but the grip they have on him is unbreakable. I turn from them and open a cupboard and pull out a metal bucket and a blowtorch.

I walk back over to the table where they have him laid out and rest the things at my feet. I pull the knife that is sticking out of Shane's waistband.

I use the knife to cut through his shirt. He trashes in their hold and screams all sort of names at me while I send him a sinister smile.

Osbourne walks in the room and hands me what I asked him for a couple minutes ago.

I plunge the blade into his stomach and he lurches forward screaming. The wound is deep deep enough to have blood flowing like river.

I drop the rats on his stomach over the wound and drop the metal bucket over them, trapping them.

I motion for Osbourne to take up the torch and he does and lights it.

"You see my dear friend. Metal is a great conductor of heat. So the moment the heat touches the bucket." I stop so he can process what I'm saying. "The rats are going to want a way out and the only possible solution will be to nibble through your skin." I take the torch from Osbourne.

I press my knee in his crotch and then use the torch to heat the bucket. I watch as his face twists in pain and tears prickle his eyes. He opens his mouth to scream but no sound comes out.

"Are you ready to talk? " I ask removing my foot but keeping the torch on the bucket.

"Yes! Yes!!" He screams.

I turn off the torch but keep the bucket on his stomach so the heat will still be penetrating and the rats will continue to cut through his skin.

"Tway- Twayne he has a daughter. That's the only way you can get to him. She lives at 255 montae drive across town." He snitches.

Street Credits: Love X War 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora