Chapter 9

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"I'll fuck both you and her up." I sneer at Marco and he smirks at me.

I roll my eyes with a playful smile on my face moving to the door. I wipe the smile from my face clenching my jaw, open the door and just like that the bitch stands before me.

She mutters something and touches me with her shoulder going into the room but I pay her no mind.

This was all my plan. I have a well wrapped gift for her. Apparently Marco didn't sleep with her. She forged a video from a long time ago with a pic from the night. The picture over lapped on the video so it looked like how they did on the picture but they were doing the things in the video.

I open the back door to see Dre, Tommy and D talking. I nod at them and they know exactly what is to be done. I called Tommy out here because I have a feeling things are going to be messy and I'll need all the help I can. I close the back door and head towards the front.

I open the glove compartment once I'm situated in my car and pull out a zip lock bag with four of the biggest rings I own. One by one I place them on my right hand leaving only my thumb without. I take the roll of wrap- the ones people normally uses to wrap their hand or whatever- and wrap cover my knuckles before taking a pair of black gloves and pushing my hands in them.

I sit back and wait for her to come down.

Marco's POV

"I see you've finally come to your senses." She smiles coming into the room and I resist the urge to choke her.

"Yeah she just a waste of my time." I wave my hand.

"Get fucked up Marco." I hear AJ from the other end of the small ear piece I have in my ear and I bite my lip to conceal my smile.

"I'm glad, now we can finally be together." She wraps her hands around my neck and like light speed I spin her around and slam her face into the wall with her hands behind her.

I grab the scruff of her neck like the dog she is and shove her face further into the hard wall.

"To pussyclaat yuh mussi tink mi a idiot." I shake my head at her. (You must think I'm an idiot.)

"Marco you're hurting me." She plays the damsel in distress.

"That's the point." I lift her head from the wall and slam it back down."Don't fuck with what's mine." I seeth and her cries fill the room.

"I don't know what you're talking about." she cries.

"Don't play stupid and whoever you're working for I'm coming for both of you. " I let her go and she scurries out the room like a cat with its tail on fire.


I open her car door and sit in the passenger seat not looking at her.

"Marco thinks you went home."

"Marco knows better than that."

"AJ you're pregnant, you can't be careless."

"I'm not trying to be. I just want to show her what happens when she fucks with mines. " She growls.

I glance over and the first thing that catches my eyes is the gloves on her hands and I know it's going down for real.

Ziomara comes running out the house and AJ starts the car when Ziomara jumps in her car.

We tail her staying two cars down until she turns off the road and stops at an abandoned looking house.

Street Credits: Love X War 2Where stories live. Discover now