Chapter 16

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Drain laughed as she walked out of the cave. "I'll let you watch her die, Leaf." Drain said coldly.  She unfolded her wings and flew away. Leaf ran over to Rain, who was gasping and choking on air. She was coughing up blood, and her life seemed to be slowly fading.

"Le-" Rain started, trying to pick her head up, but she just weakly fell back down. Leaf rushed around the cave, looking for something to heal her. She looked down into some sort of bowl full of water. It had a single blue crystal. Leaf pulled it up and looked at it. Maybe it was panic, maybe it was some sort of magic that told her this, but somehow she knew this would help.

Leaf looked up to see bottles falling and breaking. What the- No time for thoughts. She rushed back over to Rain, but wasn't sure what to do. She hopelessly stared at her dying friend. Suddenly, Leaf heard a loud baw and spun around. It sounded like a bird. She saw something flying around at the speed of light.

"I am Thorn, Leaf Breeze's Lightguard," a voice echoed around the cave. The bird-Thorn- swooped down and grabbed the crystal. It gently placed the crystal on Rain's head. It's head spun completely around to look at Leaf.  Rain started glowing faintly, and Thorn hopped over to Leaf.

"Let me explain. Your Lightguard- in this case, me- is what you get if you are destined to be good. However, it is based on your skills, talents, and more. Your parents- especially your father-knew this, hence your name. I am the nature Lightguard."

Thorn gave Leaf a moment to process this before he continued, "Rain was destined to be bad, evil, not good. Because she did not follow that...Destiny of hers, an Opposite was created. It is basically what she would be if she had been evil. However, it is very difficult for the universe to handle two creatures of the same DNA like that. The only reason Rain did not disappear completely is the fact that Drain barely exists. It is hard to explain to a human like you, but part of your destiny is to defeat dragons," Thorn explained. "And the crystal we just used is a Blue Crystal, which heals. Very rare. Not sure how Drain obtained one. Now, I must go." With that, Thorn flew away, leaving Leaf very confused.

THEORIES: A Different World (DISCONTINUED-Possible Remake Coming Soon)Where stories live. Discover now