Chapter 14

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Leaf opened her eyes slowly, expecting to see a lot of sunlight. Instead, she saw darkness. She looked around feeling Drain still hugging on her. "Do you need to change clothes?" Drain asked once they got up. Leaf felt sick to her stomach. Please no... Leaf nodded. Drain smirked. "I'll get your clothes when you take your dirty ones off," Drain said. Leaf forced herself to smile, yet her heart was pounding. She took off her clothes. Drain was watching her. "W-well?" she asked in a small voice.
Drain walked towards her and pushed her onto the bed. Drain started kissing Leaf, except even less gentle and "loving", if you dare call her kisses that. Leaf was sick of Drain's torture. Sick of Drain in general. She swallowed her hatred and kissed Drain back. Leaf felt Drain's hands touch her bra. She's sick! Leaf thought in horror, but continued kissing Drain like she loved it and more importantly, loved Drain.

Leaf could barely take it anymore. She wanted to throw Drain across the room, grab her clothes, and run. She shivered with disgust-kissing Drain was like kissing a cockroach. At least Drain wasn't extremely ugly. Drain finally stopped kissing her and Leaf let out a sigh of relief. "You may get dressed now," Drain said, smirking and walking away.

THEORIES: A Different World (DISCONTINUED-Possible Remake Coming Soon)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ