Chapter 9

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Leaf woke up to feel someone shaking her. "Leaf," Rain whispered."Tip," Rain mumbled as she handed Leaf her Tip. Leaf looked at her messages. There was two. The first one was from her parents. She smiled.

I know its sudden, but your father is in the hospital. I talked with Rain's family and they said it would be fine if you stayed there for a few days. You can walk to school with Rain.
Love, Mom
Leaf looked up at Rain. "Guess i'm staying!" Her father often went to the hospital- usually due to minor burns from dragons. She swiped the 'delete' button and looked at the next message. She couldn't recognize the Tip number. That's odd. She read it, wondering if someone somehow got the wrong Tip number.

Hello, beautiful. Good morning, my dear Leaf. You shall see me soon.
Leaf stared in shock. It had to be the person from last night. It had to be! But that was just a dream, right...?
Leaf tried to put it out of her mind. Rain grabbed the book from the table. "Okay, lets just skip to chapter one..." Rain mumbled.
They stared at the first page, trying to understand. It looked amazing. Slowly, Leaf started to read it out loud.
"The Firedragon. Not very dangerous, yet as name implies, has a lot to do with fire. No one is sure what. However, it is known that in its cave, you must get through a thousand Firebirds, which have been left in the cave for so long that they attack all who have seen the sun. It is also said that the Fireflower got its name because it is one of the main foods the Firedragon eats. It is legend that the Firedragon is located in Simon's Cave, which is near the kingdom of Clawmore. It was once rumored that Prince Simon of Clawmore went to defeat the dragon, in hopes if he did the people may make him king. He never returned, and over the years Clawmore began to call it Simon's Cave. We have no information about the dragon itself other then the fact that its wingspan is about the length of a small home. It's tail is, as passed down from stories, to be extremely long. To find Simon's Cave, use the included map." Leaf took a deep breath. That had been a lot to read. She glanced over the page once more before her eyes caught a warning at the bottom.
Leaf laughed a bit. "Hey Leaf, what if we went and found the dragon?" Rain asked. "What reason do we have for that, Rain?" Leaf replied with a question. "We both love dragons, and if its harmful, we defeat it. If its nice, we can, well, help it. It's probably harmful, but either way, we can put some more info in here." Rain explained, her eyes shining with excitement.
Leaf took a deep breath. "Rain...Get out the map."

THEORIES: A Different World (DISCONTINUED-Possible Remake Coming Soon)Where stories live. Discover now