Chapter 2

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Leaf looked around the lunchroom, frowning. She had no one to sit next to. She decided to sit at an empty table. Almost immediately after she sat down, Cat down down in front of her. Not her again! Leaf thought angrily, but gave up and sighed. Cat started rambling about something and Leaf pretended to pay attention when she heard someone sit down next to her. Surprised, she looked at the girl. She was pretty, with brownish-blonde hair and green eyes that sparkled.
"I'm Rain." she looked at Leaf like she expected something. "Well?" Rain snapped. "L-Leaf...." Leaf stuttered,  confused and almost afraid. Yet curious. Rain started messing with Leaf's hair. Okay then... Cat was still rambling on about a pony and a boy or something. She really confused Leaf. "So, Leaf, what do ya like to do?" Rain asked curiously. "Oh, er, s-stuff. D-drawing... G-g-games." Leaf stuttered a lot in front of people sometimes. "Me too. I like-" Rain was interrupted by Cat screaming "ANIMALS!". "You done?" Rain asked rudely, glaring at Cat. Cat continued rambling. "Whatever. What was I saying? Oh yeah, I like about everything. You like dragons?" Rain smiled at Leaf, making her eyes sparkle more. Leaf guessed it was because she was excited. Leaf was too. "Y-yeah..I love them.." Leaf mumbled shyly.
A few hours later, at break, Leaf was standing under a Firefruit tree. She had read once that firefruit was named after the common Firebird because it liked to flap its wings while standing on it. No one knew why. Suddenly Rain appeared, startling Leaf out of her thoughts by "booping" her nose. "You have a habit of doing that." Leaf said in annoyance. "And you have a habit of daydreaming." Seeing Leaf's surprised reaction, she explained; "I watch you in class."
Leaf was speechless. Why is this girl so strange?!

THEORIES: A Different World (DISCONTINUED-Possible Remake Coming Soon)Where stories live. Discover now