Chapter 1

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Leaf stared at her reflection in the Dropmirror. "Leaf! Breakfast!" A voice yelled from downstairs.
"Coming, Mom!" Leaf yelled back, glancing once again into the indestructible, drop of water shaped mirror. She rushed downstairs after grabbing a hair brush for her long, blonde-ish hair. She tripped over the last step, falling flat on her face. "Ow....No wonder I have a Dropmirror, i'm so clumsy.." Leaf mumbled.
"I got you a surprise, Leaf. It's a poster- of a dragon! I know you love them as much as I do." Her father smiled. "Have a good day back at school, and don't forget your lunch. I'm very proud of you." Her mom smiled and waved. "Love you, Leaf!"
Leaf rushed out the door, though when she got outside she realized she wasn't eager for school. She wasn't exactly the most talkative, and didn't have any friends. But Leaf didn't mind. Being alone is good. She reminded herself as she opened the door of her school. She looked up at the ceiling, immediately noticing the school and the ceiling were huge. There was a long, blue, red, and yellow carpet, a bunch of lights on the ceiling many, many feet above Leaf, and a bunch of shiny, expensive looking things. Leaf was suddenly nervous. What if I get bullied? They always make fun of my uncommon name. Though still nervous, she walked to her first class, examining her schedule as she did. She had a break at 2:00, lunch at 12:00, and an extremely short, 4 and a half minute break at 10:00. She looked at the time. Class started at 9, and it was two minutes til. She sat down next to another blonde-haired girl- a bit lighter than Leaf's- who was wearing some kind of animal hoodie.
"Hi! I'm Cat." the girl said, holding out her hand and smiling. "I-I'm Leaf." She didn't expect to talk so soon, but this was school, it was sort of required. "Hi, Leaf!" Cat said, though she had put her hand down. Must've realized I wasn't going to do that.
"Attention, students, class is starting now." a voice said. Leaf looked up at her new teacher. She yawned. This is going to be a long, long day and a long, long year. Leaf thought boredly.

THEORIES: A Different World (DISCONTINUED-Possible Remake Coming Soon)Where stories live. Discover now