Chapter 1: Introduction

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Disclaimer: I don't own Winx Club

But I own the story

Summary: Bloom is about to go to college. This is a story about two years of her college life. She meets new friends and learns a lot of new lessons . Jealousy about one friend leads her to have a very strong bond with more number of friends. EVERY THING HAPPENS FOR OUR OWN GOOD

Story is better than summary

Story is better than summary

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There is a girl with feiry red hair and cyan eyes. She is in her teens.Her name is BLOOM .She is very self confident. She never fears to express her views about anything. Though she seems like a shy and silent person to strangers,she is talkative once she gets to know them.She is easily pissed off due to her short temper.She always stands up for her friends.She would do anything and everything in her hands to help her friends. She is overprotective of her friends. She hates when someone disrespects teachers, books, food,water and anyone who don't care about their family.

She has an elder sister whom she loves a lot.So much that she would do anything if someone hurts her sister. She hates when someone feels like boys are superior to girls. She feels all are equal.She hates even more when girl is afraid or shy to walk infront of boys though they talk without hesitation. She doesn't like if someone doesn't pay full concentration to class.

Bloom is an ordinary teenage girl. She has just completed her highschool exams.Though she is enjoying her holidays she has one thing in her mind WHERE TO JOIN COLLEGE?

Bloom's p.o.v (point of view)

My name is Bloom.I just completed my last exam of high school final exams.Finally here comes my long awaited holidays after a tiring school year. Next is college. But colleges don't start upto 3 months.A long holidays are what I deserve right now. I am going to have peaceful holidays .No more stress or studies for three months. I messed my first exam due to my slow writing. It was my favorite language. My mother tongue. So it hurt a lot. Rest all exams were good.

It was just one of my holidays after my exams were over that means I have completed my highschool. I have one thought bugging me WHICH COLLEGE TO JOIN? Don't get me wrong I am a good student .But my problem is that many famous colleges are coming to ask me to join theirs.

Today a physics lecturer from a top college has come to make me join their college. But there is still one whole week for results. I thought that I have a chance of getting a C.G.P.A 10.But he says I can't expect more than 9.8.

This whole week I kept avoiding the people who came to make me join their college. Finally it was day before results. I am nervous. I already messed one subject.

Day of results

It was almost time for results to be announced. I was taking bath when I heard a scream.I hurriedly came dressed up.I was shocked to see the person who was screaming. It was someone I never expected. It was.

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