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Y/N called her cab and walked to the end of Rossi's extremely long drive way to wait for it. She had no idea how to feel about any of this, all she knew was that she was extremely upset and annoyed with Penelope for betraying her trust and revealing her secret to Derek, thereby causing a scene and pretty much forcing her to reveal it to the rest of the team.

She was also sad. Sad that because of a few words she'd ruined something that actually had the potential to be great. Because it hadn't been just about getting off. She'd talked to him online for five weeks before finding out it was Spencer for a reason, and as much as she hated to admit it to anyone, she missed it. She missed him. She missed their banter, their deep conversations online, she missed the intimacy. She missed Spencer. And that was three words she thought she'd never ever think.

Y/N sighed, spotting headlights coming towards her from the end of the road. She just wanted to go home and curl up in her bed, feeling sorry for herself. She squinted at the oncoming vehicle, moving to the curb when she saw it was a cab.


A voice caught her off guard and she spun around to face it's owner as the cab pulled up alongside her. It was Spencer, a curious look on his face.

She didn't respond to him, simply looking at him and waiting for him to continue. When he didn't she turned back around and opened the door to the cab, sliding in. Much to her surprise, Spencer slid in beside her, reeling off her address to the driver. The short ride back to her apartment was made in silence and when they arrived at her destination Spencer followed her up the stairs and into her apartment.

Tossing her bag and coat into her closet she turned to face him.

"Why are you even here Spencer?"

"Because you told them, you told them all."

"Well I didn't exactly have much choice did I? Penelope had already spilled to Derek so it was just a matter of time."

Spencer stepped closer to her, his eyes fixed on hers.

"It's not just that. You said something. You said you didn't want them to know because you didn't want them affecting what was happening between us, that you didn't want their comments and their jokes to affect it."

She HAD said that, and it was very much true.

"So what exactly was happening between us that you didn't want them to ruin?" Reid's voice was no more than a whisper, as if he was scared of asking the question himself.

It was now on never, Y/N thought.

"I.... I erm.... Spencer, I like you. A lot. We've worked together for so long but I feel like it's only since we started talking online that I was seeing the real you. And I liked it. Our talks, all of them, left me wanting more. Even after I knew it was you I still wanted to keep talking, it was just weird at first. And then everything else happened."

She paused to take a breath, not looking at his face. "I'm sorry I offended you, I truthfully didn't mean what I said in the way it came out."

"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have been so sensitive about it and I should have asked you rather than let it get to me."

"Yes you should have. Sometimes I say things without thinking, especially when I'm comfortable with someone. And Penelope riled me up something rotten that day."

Spencer nodded, whispering "I know" under his breath as he moved closer still.

"So what happens now then, now that they all know?" he placed hand under Y/Ns chin, tilting her face up so he could see her eyes.

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