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Spencer was exhausted, he couldn't sleep. He'd been lying in bed for an hour trying to convince his body to give in to the darkness but he just couldn't shut off.

Sighing, he pulled out his cell. It was a long shot, it was 2am after all. But he wondered whether she'd be online still. The mysterious woman he'd started talking to five weeks ago on chatzone. Reid had made a profile on the site after overhearing Penelope telling JJ that she'd met her latest beau on there. Garcia was Pink-oracle, Reid had accidentally come across her online one night, and had quickly exited that chat room. He hadn't uploaded any photos but he wasn't taking any chances on Penny working out who Drblackjack21 was.

One evening, he'd taken the plunge and private messaged a woman he'd been speaking with casually in a literary lovers chat room. Trancedancequeen was her screen name and she'd made a few casual remarks about one of his favourite authors and they'd struck up a banter. She was 28 and lived in the D.C area, which was intriguing for Spencer to know. Not that he'd ever end up meeting anyone from the Internet.... Although, it had worked for Garcia, so who knows.

Trancedancequeen and Drblackjack21had fallen into easy conversation with each other, and most nights when Spencer logged in, she was there. A few times he'd beat her to it, and there were occasions that they missed each other, just leaving the odd offline message for each other which they'd respond to when they logged in. It was.... nice. Spencer found himself being bolder and feeling more confident speaking to this woman from behind a computer or cell phone screen, depending on what he was using. They shared similar interests in TV, films and literature and this woman didn't seem bothered when he told her that he worked away a lot. She was apparently out of town a lot too, on business trips, although neither of them had shared what they did with each other.

The past few chats he'd had found himself engaging in what one could construe as risqué conversation. Not anything too bad, but Trancedancequeen had made a comment about finding a certain celebrity attractive, and then the conversation had turned from there into what their types were physically. TDQ had told Spencer she had long brown hair and green eyes, she was slim but curvy at the same time according to her description, and she liked tall guys with nice hair and nice lips. Not that her physicality mattered to Spencer too much, but she DID sound attractive. When Reid had described himself to her, she'd responded with "You sound like just my type" and then had proceeded to throw some flirty comments his way. At first he wasn't sure how to respond to them but he just decided to throw caution to the wind, and go with it. He'd been talking to her earlier but had logged off to try and get some sleep, he didn't have to go to work tomorrow but he'd felt exhausted after the week he'd had. But his brain was unable to rest. Logging back into the app, he was surprised to see the little light by her icon, a cartoon of a grinning kitten, flashing; signalling she was still online. He clicked the private message option.

Drblackjack21: Hi. Can't sleep. Guess you couldn't either.

TranceDancequeen: Nope... Can't get my brain to stop thinking about work. Long week. Won't bore you.

Dr: I don't think you could ever bore me.

TDQ: Oh hush now. Smooth lines like that combined with the bottle of WINE I've drank, and I'll think you're flirting with me, Dr.

Spencer grinned to himself and shifted on the bed.

Dr: What if I am?

TDQ: Then by all means, flirt some more. Wuu2?

Reid had initially had to Google the shorthand text speak that she'd used, not being used to it.

Dr: I'm lying in bed. I'm not really that good at flirting.

TDQ: I'm in bed too. And I'm sure you are, you perhaps just don't realise it.

Dr: Really, I'm not. Trust me.

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