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When Spencer woke up the next morning he had his arm thrown over Y/N, his front pressed against her back. He was a sleep snuggler, one of the reasons he had to make sure he had a twin room if he ever had to share on a case. Sometimes the girls were happy to share a double, but after waking up and having Derek punch his arm ridiculously hard and threatening to end him, he made sure that they always had a twin room. He didn’t get to snuggle often though and he relished to feeling of having his body pressed up against someone else.

Y/N was still asleep, breathing softly but she wriggled in her sleep, her butt nudging against him. He realised then that his shirt that she’d borrowed had rucked up in the night and it was her completely bare ass that was against him.

Oh god, he already been semi hard from sleep when he’d woke, but now it was full blown morning wood. Could he wake her up? Or would that be weird?

He stretched out slightly, yawning loudly in an attempt to stir her without her thinking it was on purpose. Her breathing changed slightly, but she still appeared to be asleep.

“Y/N” he whispered softly, nudging his hips against her and lightly stroking his hand up her thigh.

“Y/N….. ” He tried again, louder now, pressing his erection into her back.


“Are you awake?”

“I am now. Whispering my name into my ear and nudging me tends to do that. And I can feel that you’re certainly awake.”

“Sorry…. ”

She chuckled lightly and Spencer raised himself on the bed, seeing that her eyes were still closed.

“Don’t be….just… I don’t wake up quite as ready as you.”

Reid rolled away from her and pushed her shoulder down gently so that she was laying flat. She lazily opened her eyes and looked at him.

“I can rectify that” he told her, lifting the covers and burrowing down underneath them, moving between her legs.

An hour later, they were done. Twice over.

“Yeah, you can wake me up like that again. In fact, that would be preferable to an alarm clock.”

“Would we ever make it to work?” Spencer asked Y/N and she giggled, readjusting the covers on the bed.

“Probably not. Speaking of clocks, what’s the time anyway. I’m meant to be meeting Garcia for brunch.”

Spencer glanced over to his digital clock as Y/N searched in her bag for her cell.

“It’s only 9am.”

“Ugh. I still need to call a cab and get back, and make myself presentable.”

“Shower here….”

Y/N chuckled and shook her head. “Erm no. One, I don’t have any toiletries here so it wouldn’t work. And two, I have a fairly good idea that if I stepped into your shower, I wouldn’t be alone for very long.”

“That would probably be true. All right, well get dressed and I’ll run you home. I can run errands on the way back.”

“That could work.”

Forty minutes later and Y/N was in Reid’s car. He’d quickly showered, his hair still slightly damp.

“I always forget you can drive, ya know.” she commented, scrolling through her Facebook feed.

“I know. I just prefer not to most of the time. It’s handy sometimes, but I find if I’m by myself in a car, then my mind starts to wander and that’s just dangerous. It’s up here isn’t it?”

“Yup. Pull around the corner and the entrance to the residents and guest parking lot is there.”


“Hmmm….. Wait…. NO No Noooo. Keep driving”

Spencer had just been about to pull into the lot when she’d yelled, her cell in her hand. He kept on straight.

“What’s wrong.”

“Pull into that side street up there. Penelope has decided to surprise me with breakfast, she wants a girly pajama day instead. Which is code for she’s too hungover to make herself look presentable. She’s just text me asking why I’m not answering my door.. And now she’s ringing me. Shit.”

Reid pulled into the side street Y/N had pointed at and shut his engine off as she answered.

“Hey… Yes, I know. I’ll be there in two minutes… No… Yes…Yes… NO! Look, I’ll tell you all about it when I get…. No Garcia, I did not take pictures of his…. Yes, if I had I’d share them… PENELOPE!” she was shaking her head at Reid and rolling her eyes, ending the call.

“Excellent. I love that girl but I was not expecting to have to explain my walk of shame to her. NOT that it’s shameful, but you know, the saying an all.”

“What are you gonna tell her?” Spencer was curious.

“That I hooked up with some random guy, although where I met him, fuck knows. Cos I left pretty quickly after you did. Maybe an ex came into town or I hooked up with someone from chat zone, technically that’s not a lie. Anyway….I need to go before she calls me again.”

They looked at each other, not really sure of the etiquette here.

“Erm… So thanks for all the orgasms! And I’ll see you on Monday?”

Reid nodded and grinned at her comment as she slid out of the car, turning around and leaning over into the car.

“By the way… What makes this little walk worse is that I decided to leave you a present under your pillow. Which means I’m walking down the road with no fucking underwear on. Enjoy!”

Spencer burst out laughing, shaking his head as she closed the door and gave a little wave before sauntering down the road to her apartment building, her hands holding her dress down against the light breeze.

Y/N was bracing herself for the barrage of questions she was going to get. She’d use the online story… Because like she’d said to Spencer, technically it wasn’t a lie.

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