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TDQ: I stay away from this place for three weeks and the one night I get curious, and you're in here.

Tell me you've been on every night and this isn't some shocking coincidence?

Spencer stared at the screen thinking of how to reply as Y/N stared at hers, waiting.

Dr: This is the first time since...

TDQ: Brilliant. So we have some random telepathy shit now.

Spencer could almost hear the disdain in her voice, and it was starting to annoy him. Almost like she was suggesting it was his fault.

Dr: Well maybe that's what happens when you send your colleague half naked photos.

TDQ: Hey. You sent them back too. And I didn't KNOW you were my colleague.

Dr: True. But you're the one who upped the ante that night remember. You turned the conversation away from casual chatting to.... Whatever it was.

Okay, so he was right. Y/N did need to stop acting like it was his fault. It wasn't. Just... Talk about this with him. Maybe actually discuss what had happened online that night.

TDQ: Whatever it was? Full on mutual masturbation, you mean.

Spencer almost dropped the phone, before composing himself and replying.

Dr: Yes.

He didn't know what else to say right now. He wished they could have just slipped into their previous online banter. NOT the one from last time. Although...

TDQ: Can I just say, that now I know who DrJackblacklover21 is, I'm hella shocked. Never expected you to come out with those sort of lines or to send those sorts of pictures.

Dr: I'm not sure if this is a compliment or not.

TDQ: It's a compliment, Reid. You seem so.... Well you know....

Dr: Can you not call me that on here? It's weird. And I know exactly what you're getting at. Everyone has this skewered view of me, like I'm still an innocent 14 year old who needs to be protected.

TDQ: Okay, Dr it is then. I take it you're not as innocent as everyone thinks then.

Now Y/N definitely was intrigued. Was there a side to Spencer Reid that no one knew about, that maybe she could dig into.

Dr: I sent you that photo didn't I?

TDQ: You did. Gotta say, I don't have an eidetic memory like you do, but my brain definitely hasn't forgotten that image.

Wait... Why did she put that? That sounded... Flirty.

Was it meant that way?

Spencer couldn't tell how that message was meant. Was she trying to make him prove a point here, about his lack of innocence?

Dr: Well I haven't forgotten the one you sent me either.

TDQ: Yet I still caught you staring at my tits the other day.

Dr: Only because I now know what they look like.

TDQ:. You didn't catch me staring at your junk anytime, did you. And I know what that looks like.

Dr: Point taken. I'll try to avoid looking at your chest.

It was then that Y/N realised that maybe she didn't want him to stop. It made her feel... desired. Spencer Reid staring at her chest was making her feel desired. Good lord woman, it definitely HAD been a dry spell. That was the only way she could explain what she put next.

Anything Can Happen In The Next Half HourOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora