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If Y/N had been disappointed at her online friend being Spencer, she really had no idea how he felt.

Y/N was beautiful, she could get a boyfriend whenever she wanted, if she really wanted one. But Spencer, well. The list of his previous relationships could fit on a post it note. A very very small post it note at that. He thought that maybe this time, maybe just this once, he could meet someone and they could have something real together.

He guessed he was just meant to be lonely.


The next few weeks at work were.... Awkward to say the least. The knowledge that two of his female colleagues had seen a photo of his most private parts was causing major issues for him and he found himself blushing and stuttering around both Y/N and Garcia. Garcia had no idea why and just looked at him curiously, where as he could see the corners of Y/Ns mouth twitching every time he fumbled over a word. Three days ago, she'd worn a lower cut top that normal under her suit jacket and he found himself staring at the hint of cleavage that was on show, his gift of a brain recalling the image of what lay underneath the fabric. She'd clocked his glance, pulling up her top and muttering "take a picture, it'll last longer... oh wait. Eidetic memory..." before stalking off to get more coffee.

In an odd turn of events, this little misdemeanour did seem to have broken whatever ice there was between them. Although they'd got on okay originally, Spencer and Y/N never really talked unless it was about cases. Now, he did find himself passing the time talking about Dr Who with her in the break out area, or discussing a film that had been mentioned in the online chat. They still were in no way close friends, but apparently sexting or having cyber sex with someone; whatever it was called, bought you closer in real life. She'd only really talk to him when they were alone though, and if another Agent or someone else from the office came in to their general vicinity, she'd take whatever she was eating or drinking and leave. Like she was ashamed to be seen with him.

He missed the late night chats the most. He hadn't realised the Y/N was such a night owl, she didn't seem to share the perpetual shadows under the eyes like he had. But then again, being female, she could use make up to cover them up of she really wanted although as far as Spencer could tell she didn't wear much. He missed talking to someone and them not judging him for what he looked like or acted like, they just accepted his online persona as given. It WASN'T that different from how he was really, he just felt more at ease talking to a female without have the constant worry that they didn't think he was attractive enough or something.

He'd avoid chatzone since the incident but now, as he was lying in bed he found himself wondering if she did still use it. There was no harm in checking, right?

He logged in and pulled up the chat room she was usually in, shocked to see that she was in fact online. But unless she was chatting to someone privately, she wasn't interacting with anyone in the main chat.

Spencer watched the idle chat going back and forth, people talking about books or music, the odd horny male asking if anyone wanted to Skype. He stayed logged in for about fifteen minutes, just waiting to see if she'd say anything and was just about to log out when a PM flashed up.

TDQ: I stay away from this place for three weeks, and the one night I get curious and you're in here.

Tell me you've been on every night and this isn't some shocking coincidence?


Y/N couldn't not message him. She'd been logged in for five minutes after exiling herself for the last three weeks, and then he'd popped up. Since the cyber fucking incident y she'd found herself looking at Reid in an almost completely new light. Perhaps he wasn't the shy, sweet and innocent one that he had everyone believing he was. And some of the things he'd said that night, after claiming he wasn't good at flirting, well just.... fuck.

And then there was the issue of the penis picture.

Dicks weren't exactly the most attractive part of a man's body, in Y/Ns own personal opinion but my oh my. There had been something hot about seeing that photo, his hand with a firm grip around it. The length and girth had both been extremely promising and when she'd first seen it, she could only imagine what a wild ride she could have had on it.

Then finding out that it belonged to Spencer fucking Reid had ripped out all of the fantasies that had been running through her head for those few hours, thrown them onto the floor and pissed all over them.

It was so frustrating and annoying.

Y/N had been been watching him at work, closer than normal, finding that she was drawn to his hands, his mouth, remembering the text from the conversation, the things she'd been doing to herself whilst having that conversation with him.

Why oh fucking why did it have to be him.

It hadn't just been that last night either. Y/N had felt actually connected to this unknown guy, like he was someone she might actually date. And his physical description sounded so hot and attractive to her . Which was in turn making Spencer look hot and attractive to her.


Just no.

Yet tonight, she found that she was wondering if he was still going online. Was he still using chat zone... And if he was, would he actually talk to Trancedancequeen again. Y/N had actually spoken to him more at work on a personal level these past few weeks that she had in the whole time she'd been there. Seeing each others private parts had obviously bonded the two of you in some kinda of fucked up way.

So she'd logged in and five minutes later so had he. Like he'd had some weird telepathy. After staring at the flashing light next to his name for fifteen minutes she finally gave in and sent him a PM, sitting back and waiting to see if he'd reply.

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