Fuck you Ally part 1

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''What do you mean you're going out tongight'' Stevie asked pissed.She just came home to find Ally all dressed up about to head out.This was not the first time that Ally went out with that Creep.Ally and the dude Mike had become good friend's Ally thought he is really cool and he apologized for is Asshole i turn you hetero shit.

Both he and Ally liked the same Kind of Music and they just clicked of also Stevie made clear she was drunk that night and was not mad at her.

''I told you me and Mike going to a concert''Ally said she did not understand why Stevie was so mad it was not her fault she get's hit on all the time and is to scared to say anything about it and they cleared up the Mike shit.

''Are you being serious right now'' it's Date night Allison and we were apart for a whole week.

''I know that Lady that's why i told you about it week's ago you said it was fine as Long my phone is on and i call you to pick me up after that''

''That was before you started to for ditching me for i'm gonna turn your FuckBoi all the time''

''Okay,first,his Name is Mike'' Ally said her mood changing from anoyed to angry,''Second he apoligized to me and to you and you said your sorry to also when i ditched you we were seeing a Music Producer.You know  that was  more worth than a stupid vagina show''

''So spending time with me is Stupid Allison'' Stevie said,following the other Girl to the bedroom.

''It is when your acting like possesiv jealous asshole Stevie.'' Ally said angry it was not the first time Stevie act's that way she knows that she is  scared and worried about her but sometimes it get's to far and Stevie is acting like she is owning her.

In her rage an she gets this cold behavior  and her brain is clouded with being an asshole so she will not filter her mouth.And she is ending up hurting Ally.

''I'm more pissed''.she said.''You don't even realize that your Little Boy-toy get's blue balls everytime he is with you''

Ally looked at her ''What the hell does that even mean?''

''It means he likes you and wants into your pants,Allison''Stevie new he wants her he was looking the same way at Ally like she does and this even Ally is Gay makes her loose her mind.

Ally laughed and combing her Black Hair.''Now you're being ridculous.''He know's that i'm Gay and that i'm with you.''

Just then there was a knock.Both Girls.still pissed at each other Ally goes to the living room.Just before Ally reaches the Door.''So after all that you're still going''Stevie asked angry and hurt.

''Yes i'm not gonna blow him off,Stevie.''

''But it's fine to blowing off your Girlfriend Allison''

''It beat's staying here and fighting with you also i can't stand it when you're acting like asshole''

''Then go''Stevie snapped.

''I will!'' Ally shot back.And with that,Ally opened the Door to a very shocked looking Mike by the look on his face he heard some shit.''Let's go''she said,closing the Door behind her.

Mike found his voice back in the Car ''WTF'' Ally looked up to him '' nothing you have to worry about''

Mike looked at her ''Iit sounded bad.'' ''Where are we going ''Ally said.

'''To my place you're not fine''

After getting to Mike's place and sitting down on the Couch.Ally told him about the fight with Stevie.

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