Respectfully, Benji Dore

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Copper jokes around with me and tells me often that I am the guide to being normal, which doesn’t make sense because I’m horrible at teaching. But what makes something abnormal? Is it my zombie obsession? Or is it the fact that I have trouble talking with a girl? I don’t think it’s either. I think it’s the human nature of wanting to be accepted, wanting to blend in, wanting to be that lovable chameleon. People will do anything to be accepted and loved. Perhaps, that’s probably why there are so many broken people because everyone is looking for a place, but usually find it in the wrong places.

I know this off topic, but it’s been on my heart to go deeper into my life. I grew up in a family of mixed religions, no one really taught me anything, I had to find it all myself. I found it, finally. I don’t have a complete understand of it, but who does? Even if you think you know everything, tomorrow shows you differently.

To bring it all back to the beginning, “normal” is your definition. Is being normal knowing how to talk in public? How to play politics? Remembering your manners? Treating others with respect? Is it the traditional conversation curtsies or how you manage money that makes you normal?  I know I’m not like my neighbour, who is a fun-loving character who knows how to charm everyone and knows exactly what to say to make someone feel better, but is he normal? Is that what normal is? Or is it the poor man I see occasionally in front of the market, begging for handouts? I mean, we all could be poor if it wasn’t for family or education. Or, is being normal the atheist, the pessimist, the assassin, the nerd, the transgender, or the blind, and or the skeptical? Maybe it’s the single woman or the married man? I think, the answer is, normal is being human.

These are universal questions we’re all searching for. We all want to be loved. But perhaps, there’s more to life than that. It’s a mystery, all of this. And I don’t have all the answers, and I’m not one to pretend I do. But all I know is that I’m destined for something, but as of now, I don’t feel very important or loved. I feel distant from the world, like I don’t belong.

I just always feel like I’m at the beginning.


Benji Dore

BENJI. (a guide to being normal)Where stories live. Discover now