54: Snapping pt. 2

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Nothing has happened this morning. I haven't snapped at all and Sans doesn't seems mad at me. He went out to see his brother so I'm home alone for now. I've been cleaning the house to get my mind cleared. It's a hassle at times but someone's has to do it.

I take a long break on the couch when my mind starts racing again. I can't get a hold on my emotions. It just kind of...happens, then I feel bad about it. Trying not to think about it, I start washing the dishes.

I loose all track of time when I hear Sans come home. "Sorry. I didn't expect that to take that long. But you know MTT. Alway gotta annoy the absolute fuck out of me."

I shake my hands somewhat dry. 'It gave me some time to clean so it's all good.'

"You know I was gonna do that."

'But I also know you're too lazy.' I sign and smile.

"True. But hey, have you seen my phone?"

I continue washing dishes and think on it. I did have it last but I'm sure I gave it back to him. I shake my head.

"Sure? I swear you were the last one with it."

"I haven't seen it." I say very annoyed.

Sans moves next to me after a long pause. "What the hell has gotten into you?"

"What do you mean?" I grip a steak knife and pull my hands out of the water.

Sans takes note of that and looks back at me again. "You've been talking a lot only when you're angry, and you've been angry for no fucking reason a lot recently. So," he takes a step closer to me. "What's gotten into you?"

"Well if you would stop being so fucking annoying all the time!" I yell and swing my arms out.

"Don't swing that thing around!"

"Stop getting in my way." I get closer to his face still holding the knife.

Sans stares my down. "You should really cut your shit before I do it for you." He says as his left eye shines from the blue flame.

I grip the knife until my knuckles turn white. He doesn't give up though. He keeps standing there with confidence. I throw the knife back into the sink and stomp up the stairs. I lock myself in our room to let my anger fade.

It's almost like someone totally different takes control of my mind making me do and say things that I regret later. I never get that mad over dumb things like that and I never curse unless I'm ranting about something very important and close to me. That Other Frisk has guts if she wants to threaten Sans with a weapon. He's a heck of a lot stronger than me and can easily take me out with a snap of a finger. Me, the real Frisk, I'm not scared of Sans at all. I know he'll never hurt me. He cares about me too much to ever do something like that. He hates when I'm hurt in some way. But I know that if the Other Frisk (this is what I'm going to call me when I'm acting like that for now). Keeps this up, I'm in for a world of hurt. She's only making my life a million times harder.

An hour later my phone buzzes.

"Yo Frisk! Azzy went out today. Wanna come ova and binge watch some GOOD anime?" Chara's text reads.

I don't want to snap at her but maybe she can help. "I'll be there." I text back.

I walk down the stairs and look around. Sans must've left. I make my way to Chara's house.

For the rest of the day Chara and I talk and watch anime. I told her what's been going on and she keeps saying it's nothing.

'I don't know Chara. This can't be nothing.' I sign.

"Maybe you should talk to Sans about it when you're not mad."

'But then I get mad.'

"Then I don't know what to tell you Frisk. Maybe go talk to a professional about this, like a therapist."

I wait for the switch to flip but it doesn't. I keep my mouth shut. 'I guess only time will tell me what I need to do.'

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