I Should Feel: Beautiful

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[A/N] This chapter is one that I am stressing so much, no matter what you look like you're beautiful. The only thing that can make you an ugly person is your personality. (I feel like that sounds rude, I'm sorry if it is, I seriously suck at whatever kind of speech this is...) Also this book is probably about a little half way done, the last chapters will be longer than the usual ones. Hopefully. Again, you're beautiful and looks don't matter. Stay you, love you!

I should feel beautiful.

Then why do I feel so ugly?

No one wants to be with someone who's ugly.

No one wants to be with someone who is broken and damaged.

I should look into the mirror and feel confident about myself.

All I see is ugliness.

Why do I feel this way?

Does it have something to do with my body?

Dear me,

Today I looked into the mirror. All of the other girls at school look so beautiful. My ugly brown hair matched my dull brown eyes. The girls at school have a glow to them, no matter what color their hair and eyes look like. Mystery guy didn't talk to me in the halls, I felt relived that he didn't. He would be wasting his time on a dead girl walking. Girls walked by, scoffing and telling me to go back into the trash can. I didn't smell, they were talking about my looks. At the end of the day I got dragged to the busses by the mystery guy, he told me his name,  Josh. Thank you Josh, but you deserve someone beautiful, without the two ugly scars across their wrists.

I should feel beautiful.

Then why do I feel so ugly?

No one wants to be with someone who's ugly.

No one wants to be with someone who is broken and damaged.

I should look into the mirror and feel confident about myself.

All I see is ugliness.

Why do I feel this way?

Does it have something to do with my body?

It's the scars. Right?

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