I Should Feel Like: I'm important

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I should feel like I'm important.

I should feel like I'm a benefit to the community.

I should feel like I deserve to be here.

So why do I feel like I shouldn't?

Why do I feel so unimportant.

Because you're a nuisance.

I should feel important.

Dear me,

Tonight I sat down at the table with my parents, I was forced to, just like always. We had sat in silence until my father told me that I should be doing some extra curricular activities. He said that it will benefit me, and society apparently. He made it out to be something so important. But I'm not important. No one needs me, they won't miss me when I'm gone.

I should feel like I'm important.

I should feel like I'm a benefit to the community.

I should feel like I deserve to be here.

So why do I feel like I shouldn't be here?

Why do I feel so unimportant.

Because you're a nuisance.

I should feel important.

Society doesn't need you.

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