The one that caught my eye was the girl. She was beautiful. Her blonde multi-colored hair was full and healthy. Her small body moved with the gracefulness of a cheetah.

My heart started beating faster as I continued to stare at her. She was a angel. I took a deep breath and her head slowly turned toward my direction. When she finally looked my way my body froze. Our eyes locked and I couldn't look away, not that I wanted to.

Everything else disappeared and the only thing I could see was her. My heart was practically beating out of my chest. Slowly she smiled and I felt a smile form on my face. Then it was shattered as she suddenly looked away. Blinking I kept my gaze on her hoping that she would turn around again.

"Coming!" Her angelic voice yelled. She then started running up the stairs and to the door. I felt my heart start to crush as she opened the door, but she stopped and looked over her shoulder at me before fully opening the door and walking in, closing the door behind her.

Standing there I suddenly felt depressed, like she had taken my happiness inside with her. I had been to busy staring at the girl that I didn't even notice Embry and Quil smirking at me.

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here." Shaking my head I turned to look at Embry.

"What are you talking about Embry?" Still he continued to smirk at me.

"You just imprinted." I raised my eyebrows as shock coursed through my body. Was he right? A big smiled spread across my face as I pieced together the signs of imprinting with what just happened.

"So." I said feeling suddenly giddy at the thought that I did in fact imprint. The guys chuckled.

"Come on lets go tell the guys." Nodding I hesitantly followed behind them but not without looking back at the house that my beautiful imprint lived in.

Savanna's POV

Unpacking was something that I absolutely HATED doing. Only because it took up most of my time. I kept my radio on the whole time I was unpacking. As I finished unpacking the last suitcase I thought about that guy outside. He was kinda cute, wait scratch that, cute wasn't even the word more like gorgeous.

I felt a smile spread across my face as I thought about him. That short, cropped black hair, dark brown practically black eyes, tanned skin and his muscles. Oh his muscles. You could practically see them through his skin tight black shirt. Just thinking of touching them made my body tingle.

Sighing I turned Lips of an Angel by Hinder off and walked downstairs to start cooking before it got to late. Moving around the kitchen I decided to make spaghetti and meatballs, my brothers favorite. It took a whole thirty minutes to make all the food and by the time we started eating it was 8:09. I fixed the table and walked over to the stairs and called my brothers down, telling them I made their favorites.

They ran down the stairs, pushing and shoving each other before running into the kitchen. Giggling I followed them and served the food and drinks. Once I finished with that I sat down and we started eating.

>FF> After dinner

I was sitting in my room on my black and red cover listening to my Ipod touch as it played Good Girls Go Bad by Cobra Starship. Turning a page in my book I put my bookmark in and lay'd it beside me. Turning off my lamp I lay'd down on my pillow. I had already taken my shower and told my brothers goodnight.

Laying on the bed I couldn't help but think of my mom and dad. I felt a single tear stream down my face and leave a spot on the pillow, it still hurt to think of them. Sighing I pulled the cover over my head and tried to close my eyes and sleep but that didn't work. A howl filled the night air and I sprung out of bed.

Looking around I saw that I had left my window open. Walking over to it I started to close it but stopped when I saw something russet move through the trees. Blinking I looked closer trying to see what it was but it disappeared before I could fully see it. Closing the window I went back to my bed, crawled under the covers and lay'd down, drifting off to sleep.

Jacob's POV

I watched my angel as she closed the window.

She is so beautiful I cant believe I imprinted on her.-Jacob

Me either. I growled at Paul.

Shut up Paul! I said. Paul growled at me and I growled back.

Cool it guys! Sam said in his alpha voice. Sighing I turned back to my angel's window and watched her walk away. I felt myself grow sad when I saw her turn away.

Awww Jake its ok.-Seth

I rolled my wolf eyes and shifted to my human self so I could go home. At home I lay'd in my too little bed and thought about my imprint as I drifted to sleep.


Picture of Savanna on the side.

We Fit Together Like Ying And Yang (A Jacob Black Love Story) Being Edited!Where stories live. Discover now