Marquettisa Calls Back

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It was the day Piper Anna found out she was pregnant. She was 14, and had gotten raped about a month ago. She was so terrified when she seen the little pink plus sign. Her mother and grandmother were both at least in their 20s before giving birth to children, and Piper knew she was in big trouble.

"What will become of me? Should I tell or not? Is abortion an option?" These thoughts circled het mind, she felt her heart beat faster, concentrating really hard on what the ants are, she nearly flipped when her mother knocked on the bathroom door.

"Piper Marquettisa Anna! For real child, it has been nearly an hour!" Pipers mother was serious about sophistication. Piper had not really grown fond of her mother, only because her mother accused het of being a physco cuss word for being in a relationship with a guy who wanted to be a police officer.

"My stomach really hurts mom, I will be out as soon as I can!" Piper replied back.

"Well," Piper thought, "If im going to be a mommy then I need to get the name and other stuff. Abortion will never happen between me and my child. But what will Shaun think? Hes not the one who put it in me..." Piper threw the test in the garbage and walked to her bedroom. There, she grabbed a notebook and started writing things down.

By dinner time, Piper had listed 17 girl names and 19 boy names. She had cut out 2 pitures of strollers from magazines, 7 of carseats, 3 of specially made binkis, and 4 of Huggies diapers. She felt pretty prepared, knowing she had 8 months left. Piper Anna didnt care, she neer wanted to do things last minute. She did things ASAP.

As Piper walked downstairs, she realized the cravings she was getting of hamburger helper.

"Good thing thats what we are having tonight" she whispered, and when she reached the kitchen she smiled seeing a huge pile of hamburger helper on a pink glass plate.

"Thank YOU!" She exclaimed, running over to the plate, when suddenly she slipped and fell, hitting her head really hard on the counter. So hard it knocked her plum out.

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