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~7 years later~

Ezra's POV

It has been 7 years since the day the Empire took my family. Now I'm only with my sister. Today I had a feeling that something will happen and that will change our lives. Then I see a star destroyer so I decide to call my sister that something valuable will give us money in the black market.

Ezra: "Sam, do you copy me?"

Com/Sam: "Yes Ezra, what is it?"

Ezra: "Where are you right now?"

Com/Sam: "I'm in the market, why?"

Ezra: "We have a mission and it involves messing with the Empire".

Com/Sam: "Okay, I'll see you on the outskirts".

Ezra: "Okay, Ezra out".

Then I take my speeder and head to Capital City. When I arrive, I see two imperials officers messing with a fruit seller, so I decide to mess with them a little before go to the important thing.

Aresko: "All the fruit have to be inform first in the imperial information, you're not allowed to sold this fruit here".

Fruit Seller: "But it's just meilooruns".

Grint: "Is that a rebellious act?".

Fruit Seller: "Agh... I remember the days before the Empire and its ships appear here in Lothal, it was peaceful".

Aresko: "That is an insubordination, you two arrest him".

'I think that is my signal'. So, I walk pass them and say.

Ezra: "I'm sorry sir, you would spare some meiloorun".

Grint: "Get out of here, loth-rat!"

Ezra: "Okay, okay, I don't look for problems".

When I pass him I take his com-link and I move a little farther.

Ezra: "But they always find me".

Com/Ezra: "Attention to all units this is a red code, I repeat this is a red code".

Aresko: "On our way, it's your lucky day trash".

When they get away I move near the fruit seller.

Com/Ezra: "I repeat this a red code".

Fruit Seller: "Thanks".

Ezra: "No thank you".

Then I start to get some fruit into my bag.

Fruit Seller: "Wait, what are you doing?"

Ezra: "Hey, I have to eat".

Then I go up on the roofs and head to where the bucketheads were heading. When I see the boxes, I wait until Sam gives me my signal. 'I almost feel sorry, almost' I think but then I sense something strange that pulls me. I get up and see where is heading me this feeling and I see a man with brown hair in a ponytail and wearing green. When I see he's going to turn I kneel down so he can't see me. Then I decide to see what will he do.

Kanan's POV

Me and my crew are on a mission to steal the Empire some boxes that Vizago wants. I am waiting in the middle of a street when I feel something in the Force that is pulling me. So, I decide to turn and see where the Force is guiding me but when I turn I see nothing so I decide to start with the mission.

First I head to Zeb and hit twice on the leg to signal him, then to Sabine. Sabine goes and put a bomb in one of the speeders. When the bomb explodes, I go into action and shoot at the remaining troopers. I make it very quick and Zeb punches the rest of them.

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