Falling for Devon... <3 [Chapter 7]

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[Chapter 7]

Because I had made pancakes for my moms birthday she decided to drive me to school. We waited for Ryan's school bus to arrive, and as soon as it did we took the car and left the house. I could tell that that simple gesture that I had made this morning had totally made her day, and I was glad it did. I hadn't seen her like this since before my father had left us.

"Thank you so much honey! The pancakes were really good!" She stroked my hair with one of her hands and controlled the stirring wheel with the other.

"You are welcome mom! I actually really enjoyed making them for you." I honestly stated. I had always said that I hated cooking, but to be honest I had actually enjoyed myself.

"You know that I  figured out my passion for cooking when I made pancakes for my mother?" She said looking at me. "This might be your calling." She chuckled and winked at me. I laughed, hoping it wouldn't be. I enjoyed cooking, but I didn't wanna become a cook like my mom. No offence to her of course!

We arrived at school pretty quickly. Compared to how long it took me to get their with my skateboard, I was surprised it went really quickly. "Bye Mom." I said, leaning over to kiss her on the cheek. She smiled at me and waved me out of the car.

I quickly ran towards the building, wanting to get to my locker quickly. I honestly didn't want to bump into Devon again, since I knew that he always arrived at this time of day followed by his little gang thinking that they were the best. As I walked towards the locker, Amy walked past. I had to swallow at the idea that Devon might be following her, but I didn't think so due to the fact that they really weren't close.

"Hey Amy!" I called out. She right away turned around and smiled as she saw me.

"Oh hey,  Kayley! You're here early." She chirped at me with excitement.

"Yep..  my mom decided to give me a lift to school this morning. Took me like two minutes." I answered. "Your brother here?" I asked holding my breath. I seriously didn't wanna walk into him anytime soon.

"Nope, but he should be here any minute. When Mr. Popular arrives, trust me, you'll know." She said chuckling. I had to laugh at how absurd it was that a guy as idiotic as him could be this popular."By the way, I'm sorry about how he's talking to you. He's honestly been a complete jerk for a while now." She stated shrugging.

"So he used to not be a jerk?" As asked surprised wanting to hear her side of the story.

"Mmmm, nope." She said making her p pop as she said it. "We used to be really close. He was almost like an over protective older brother. But then something happened and he changed completely." She said this looking down at her feet, obviously feeling uncomfortable about it. I just stared at her not wanting to show that I felt sorry for her.

"Oh, alright.Okay" I paused for a moment "Wanna come with me to my locker?" I asked trying to change the subject but not really knowing what to talk about. She looked up and me and nodding looking happy that I asked her to. We hadn't spoken a lot over these couple of days that I had gotten here, but I could tell that she was a nice girl, and that she seemed to have a hard time with her older brother. Boy, even I had a hard time with her older brother... He definitely had issues that he needed to work on...


My first class was math. Saying that he was the worst teacher on this planet was merely an understatement. I couldn't help but wonder what had made him become a teacher in the first place, if all he was interested in was his daily porn that he seemed to watch during each and every single class. It was only like once a month that he actually taught, giving us things to do.

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