Falling for Devon... <3 [Chapter 3]

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This Chapter mainly talks about the way Kayley's day begins, and doesn't really focus on her school day. The Next chapter will revolve more around school.

Hope you guys like it!

[Chapter 3]                              

It was at 6:40 am, that I was woken up by a terrible siren sound that was coming from my blue deformed alarm clock. As soon as I was conscious enough to digest the heavy noise that was popping my eardrums, I smashed my hand onto the off button, and threw a cussion onto my face to protect myself from the blinding light. I was trying to completely avoid the fact that I had to get up and go to school in more then an hour. The idea of my very first day of High School here in Seattle didn't seem that appealing to me.

"KAYLEY! Please get up, honey!!" I heard my mom yell from the downstairs kitchen as I enjoyed the darkness of my pillow. Breathing in deeply and rolling my eyes at the same time, I  violently swung my legs out of my bed, and sat up with a gasp. I hated Monday mornings, and I was sure that any other teenager would have said the same thing about this horrid day.

"Honey! you do not want to be late on your first day of school!" I heard mom yell out again, but this time from the bottom of the stair case. My mother was the worst person to be woken up by, because all she ever did was yell and make loud noises, clapping her hands. She wasn't like all the other mothers who would gently nudge their children until they were up, and then quietly tell them to get out of bed. No. She had to do it the loud way. My mother seemed to be special in every way that could be listed. I shouted back that I was up, and decided to actually get onto my feet before she would have any other chance to use her loud voice.

Quickly stretching, I strolled into the bathroom, knowing I would look like a complete mess. My hair was all over the place, and I could see the enormous bags settling under my eyes, and the smudged eyeliner from the day before. As I looked at my reflection in the mirror, I decided it would be a good idea to at least take a shower, since it WAS the first day of school, and it was important to everyone that I looked my best. At first I was surprised at how boiling the water came out to be, but after a while of getting used to it, it turned out to be so relaxing that I almost fell asleep again.

All of a sudden, I felt a huge splash of freezing water hit my shoulders at the same time as I heard the toilet flush.

"RYAN! Get out of the bathroom, you Prick!! UUGGHH" I heard him laugh out loud, and run out of the bathroom. As soon as he was gone, I started laughing in the midst of the shower. I had to admit, it had been pretty funny and it had woken me up for sure.

As I realized that I had been standing in the shower for over 10 minutes, I decided to slowly get out. With a lot of hesitation I turned off the shower, opened up the polka dotted curtain and climbed out. I wrapped a towel around my body and on my tippy toes, quickly jogged back to my bed room where I could get dressed with privacy. I decided to go with a purple pair of skinny jeans, a black t-shirt, and a grey sweater which seemed to match my outfit perfectly. It was at last minute that I realized I still had my large white towel on my head, wrapped around my hair. I ripped it off quickly and brushed my hair back getting it ready to air dry and shook it so that it looked a little bit messier. I admired my reflection in the mirror, loving at how cool I looked in my skinny jeans and my lose hair. I loved this look of mine. 

Just like before, I heard my mom's annoying and loud voice yell my name across the house. I looked at the clock hanging on the hallway door, and realized that I only had about 30 minutes until I would need to leave the house in order to get to school on time. I quickly rushed out of my room, down the stairs, with my back pack in one hand and my skateboard in the other, and set them into a random corner in the hallway. 

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