Just Couldn't Leave It Alone

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Kagome's eyes couldn't go any wider. No matter how many times she blinked, nothing changed. That was definitely her father standing at the bottom of the steps. He was grinning up at her brightly as if he didn't have a care in the world. "W-where did you come from? How did you get here?" Kagome stuttered and pointed to her father.

Judai chuckled a bit before climbing the steps. Once he was standing next to his only daughter, he smiled down at her. She hadn't changed too much in his absence. His brown eyes glanced at the the messy-haired boy who was standing behind Kagome. The boy was shooting him a suspicious glance. Judai returned the look before turning back to Kagome. "How are you, Kagome? How's your mom? Is she here?" Judai asked and looked inside the open doorway.

Acting fast, Kagome blocked the doorway with her body. "I don't think you should go inside. Now's not a good time for a visit," Kagome hissed.

"What are you talking about, Kagome? Where's your mother?" Judai asked before trying to move her out of his way. Stubbornly, Kagome fought against him. Frowning, Judai called out over Kagome's shoulder, "Kim! Kimmy!"

"No!" Kagome shouted and tried to push her father back down the steps.

"Kagome! What's wrong with you?" Judai couldn't help but ask. Was she sick or something?


As if a switch had been flipped, Judai's face immediately lit up brighter than a Christmas light. He moved around Kagome and quickly slipped into the house. There she was. Standing in the living room in a curve-hugging dress that made him miss her even more. Her eyes looked red. Had she been crying? She wasn't still crying over him, was she? Judai took a step towards her with his arms open, but she stepped backwards. "Kim? I know you're probably upset," Judai started.

With a noise of frustration escaping her, Kimiko snatched up the vase of red roses that was on the living room table and threw it at him with deadly accuracy. Judai ducked quickly, a soft curse escaping him as the vase sailed over his head and out the door. He could hear the glass shattering on the pavement outside. Judai swallowed and raised his hands in a defensive gesture. Kimiko grabbed the stack of coasters that were resting on the table before throwing each one at him with loud grunts. "Kim! Wait! Let me explain!" Judai shouted.

"Shinjimea!" Kimiko shouted at him as she threw the final coaster and hit him in the nose.

Judai cursed silently as he cradled his nose. "Okay. I probably deserved that. But, just let me explain-" Judai started.

"What is all that racket?" Vlad asked as he stepped out of the kitchen. Both men frowned at each other. It was like a reenactment of an old western. The tense stare down was only missing a tumbleweed to roll across the room.

"Who the hell are you?" Judai asked.

"I was about to ask you the same," Vlad replied.

"He was just leaving," Kimiko said while pointing at the door. When it looked like Judai was about to talk again, Kimiko interrupted him. "I told you don't come back, Judai. When you left, I told you not to come back. I've had it with you. You've turned your back on this family too many times. I told you that you could leave if you wanted, but don't you dare to come back."

"Kim, I know. And I'm sorry. I really am. Just... Don't send me away yet. At least let me see the kids. Where's Jay?" Judai asked and looked up at the steps.

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