One is the Loneliest Number

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"Have you got everything? Oh, who am I kidding? This is you we're talking about," Maddie said as she wiped away some tears. Jack was blubbering loudly as he blew his nose into a hanky. Jazz watched her parents with an amused expression before shooting her little brother a knowing look. Danny was standing next to their mom with his hands shoved into his pockets and a small smile on his face. 

There were several other people unloading suitcases and giving teary goodbyes at the airport's unloading zone. The intercom was buzzing lively with announcements of flight times and plane departures. Jazz stood with two large suitcases and a duffle bag as she faced her parents and brother. She was officially leaving. A part of her didn't want to leave Danny on his own, but he had reassured her that everything would be fine. He still had Tucker and Sam to look out for him.

"I can't believe our little Jazzy-Pants is all grown up. It happened so fast," Jack insisted as he hiccupped. 

"I know, dear," Maddie said as she patted her husband on the back.

"Guys, I'm not a baby anymore. I'm eighteen now. I'll be fine," Jazz stressed.

"Jazz is right," Danny said and stepped towards his sister. Danny stared at Jazz for several seconds before pulling her into a tight hug. "Thanks for everything, Jazz."

"Don't say that like I'm leaving forever. I'll still be checking up on you from time to time," Jazz said.

"You wouldn't be you if you didn't poke your nose into my business," Danny joked.

Once the siblings pulled away from each other, Maddie stepped forward to embrace her only daughter. "Are you sure that you don't want us to come with you? We can help you get settled in," Maddie suggested.

"That's okay, mom. You need to be here to protect Amity Park. You never know when those ghosts will come back. It's good to be on your toes," Jazz said in a pointed tone. Danny nearly rolled his eyes at Jazz's obvious attempt at getting one, final lecture in.

"I'll miss you so much, Jazz," Jack said with a loud sniff before pulling his daughter off the floor and into a bone-crushing hug.

"I'll miss you, too," Jazz wheezed out. Once her father had released her, Jazz took a deep breath. "I better get going. I'll call you as soon as I land in California."

"Alright, sweetie. We love you," Maddie said as her hand reached out towards Jazz. After several seconds, Maddie withdrew her hand. It was time to let go.

"I love you guys, too. See you for Christmas break!" Jazz said before grabbing both of her suitcase handles and heading into the airport. Danny watched his sister go with a fond smile. He would really miss Jazz. She was annoying and pesky, but she was still his loving, big sister. 

"Let's go home. Why don't you let me drive, Jack?" Maddie suggested and opened her hand. Jack nodded as he dropped the keys in her waiting hand. With loud sniffs, Jack climbed into the passenger side of the Family Assault Vehicle. Maddie turned to her youngest with a small smile. "It's so hard to believe that you kids are growing up. This will be you in two years, sweetie."

"I know," Danny said before walking with his mom back to the RV. Unlike most teens, Danny wasn't looking forward to college. Not only was he unsure if he would be able to get in with his grades, but Danny was unsure about leaving Amity Park unprotected. Maybe he could ask Clockwork or someone to keep an eye on things for him? It was a problem for another time.


"How you holding up?" Kagome questioned as she stared at Danny from where he laid at the foot of her bed. She was sitting further up the bed with her back against her headboard. Danny had immediately come over after getting back from dropping Jazz off at the airport. Kagome had been quick to let him in, but Danny hadn't said much. 

Plummeting In Love (Book 1 of Danny Phantom Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now