Fun in the Sun

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~Eight Weeks Later, 2nd week of August~

Kagome hummed to herself as she descended the steps that led to the first floor of her home. She continued to hum happily as she entered the kitchen. She spotted her little brother scrolling through something on his phone and patted his head twice as she passed. He looked up at her questioningly before waving good morning to her. "Ohayou, Judai. Ohayou, Mama."

"Don't you sound happy today. What's up?" Kimiko questioned as she flipped a blueberry pancake.

"Not much. It's just 96 degrees outside," Kagome responded and picked up a banana from the fruit bowl on the counter.

"And that's good because?..." Judai questioned with a raised brow.

"Because it means that there's finally a legitimate excuse to go to the water park," Kagome explained.

"That sounds like fun. You're going with Danny?" Kimiko questioned as she finished placing a third pancake on a plate. She handed the plate of breakfast to her youngest causing his eyes to light up just before he quickly dug in with a "Thanks, mom!". Kimiko smiled to herself. The kids were getting along and adjusting fine to their new life in Amity Park. She had been worried about uprooting her family to move here, but it looked like everything would turn out fine.

"Yep. Did you want to come with us, Judai?"

"No, thanks. I'm hanging with Max and Evan at the skate park today," Judai said with his mouth full.

"Don't talk with your mouth full, Judai," Kimiko admonished in an automatic tone. Judai flinched slightly before pouting.

Kagome rolled her eyes with a grin. Despite not spending as much time with her brother as she would have liked, Kagome was grateful that Judai was at least getting out of the house and making friends. She had been severely concerned for him when he had just pulled away from the family to suffer alone. But, he was getting better. He actually smiled more. When he had randomly pranked her one morning by placing plastic wrap on the toilet seat, Kagome knew that her brother would be fine. "I'm gonna get going now, mama. Knowing Danny, he's probably still asleep. I'll see you later," Kagome said as she left with a large, colorful beach bag on her shoulder.

Kagome and Danny had spent the past few weeks practically attached at the hip. That may have been because there was hardly anyone in town for the two to spend time with besides each other. But Kagome was convinced that she would have preferred to hang out with Danny no matter what. Kagome just loved spending time with him. It was usually hard for her to make real friends with kids her own age, but Danny just made it so easy. She loved his carefree, funny, and sweet demeanor. He brought out the teenager in her overly mature soul. Danny was really one of a kind and Kagome was grateful for his friendship.

Knocking on the door to Fenton Works first, Kagome waited to be let in. She didn't have to wait long. The door was being pulled open by an orange spandex clad Jack seconds later. "Morning, Kagome!" Jack boomed in a bright voice.

"Morning, Mr. Fenton. How's your morning going?" Kagome asked with a smile.

"It's going great!" Jack said before moving to the side to allow Kagome entrance. "I gotta thank your mom for her advice. She's a real whiz at manipulating ectoplasmic residues. She helped me perfect my Ecto-Dejecto! It's been giving me trouble for years. But not anymore."

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