Sight Seeing

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"So, this is the movie theater. I promise it's much livelier once the sun goes down," Danny narrated as he pointed out the movie theater to Kagome.

"I'd imagine so," Kagome agreed with smirk and giggle. She couldn't explain it. Danny was probably the nicest person that she could have been forced to spend time with. It was weird. Most boys would have already hit on her or be reduced to stuttering messes around her by now. Not that she was being cocky. It was just truth! In all honesty, Danny reminded her a lot of her second-eldest brother, Koharu. This was more than a good thing.

While Kagome considered herself close to all her family members, it wasn't a secret that Koharu was easily one of her best friends. They had always been close. After their mom had given birth to her, Koharu was always there to take care of and play with her. There were tons of pictures of Koharu pushing Kagome around in a stroller that was bigger than he was or playing Peek-A-Boo with her. Even as they grew up, Koharu was always looking out for her. Even though he was only two years older, Koharu was like a knight in shining armor. It had been difficult to deal with him moving to California- Los Angelos- to be specific.

Perhaps things wouldn't be so bad if Kagome could spend time with Danny now? She wasn't planning on replacing her brother. Definitely not. But after losing two best friends at once, Kagome was in desperate need of companionship. Her mother always did her best to be there for her kids, but she was so busy lately. Judai was a lost cause. He had sealed himself away in a bubble ever since their dad had left. Kagome highly doubted that she would be able to get through the next few months in Amity Park without someone to talk to.

Thankfully, Danny had been pushed along. But, would he still want to be friends once he no longer had to hold her hand and walk her around town? A boy like Danny must have tons of friends to hang out with. He was definitely nice, funny, and cool enough for it. Danny was much better suited to make friends. At least he wasn't some short, know-it-all who didn't have the foggiest idea how to act like a normal teenager...

Blushing slightly, Danny continued on. "Then again, a lot of kids are out of town for the summer."

"Why is that? Is there some big event happening out of town?" Kagome questioned. Her knowledge of American culture was a little rusty, but she was sure that there wasn't any large event happening this summer.

"Not that I know of. Some of the parents just wanted to get away from all of the ghosts for a while. Amity Park is like a ghost town. No pun intended," Danny explained.

Kagome laughed again before nodding in acceptance. "I think my family is the only one crazy enough to move in when everyone is packing up for the summer," Kagome joked. "I am glad that you're still here though."

"Oh... Well... Uh...I'm glad I'm still here, too," Danny said while rubbing the back of his neck nervously. He tried to appear casual at Kagome's words, but he could still feel a twisty, nervous feeling in his gut. It was quick to pass though. "My parents would ever abandon Amity Park. They've got to protect the town," Danny said with a careless shrug.

"Does it scare you? Or worry you? Your parents are putting themselves in danger to protect the town," Kagome questioned with a concerned expression.

Danny was a bit surprised at how much compassion there was in her expression. Unlike most people who only said that they cared, Kagome actually looked it. She didn't know him too well, and yet she was showing him more care than some of the people he had known for years. Danny felt suddenly grateful, despite not actually feeling too concerned for his parents. Danny was always there to put himself in the direct line of fire and take the brunt of the attack. His parents were hardly ever in danger. Even when they were, he'd rather lose both his legs than let anything happen to them. "I'm not too worried. Not with Danny Phantom around fighting all the ghosts," Danny finally responded. He hoped that his tone sounded casual and didn't give anything away.

Plummeting In Love (Book 1 of Danny Phantom Trilogy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora