A Little Splash of Home

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Moi-Moi: Hey all. Before you read, I just had a question. How do you all feel about it when Danny Phantom characters curse in fan fiction? Personally, it doesn't bother me. It actually makes the characters more believable since they are teenagers. But, I know some people don't like it because the characters never cursed in the show. I like to keep in mind that the show aired on a kid's network. Obviously, the worst insults you would hear are "fruit loop" and "fink".


Danny wasn't surprised to see two, new emails in his inbox the next morning. Tucker hadn't answered when Danny had called last night, but he had made sure to send an email. Danny decided to open Tucker's email first.

Hey dude,

YOU HAVE NO IDEA!! Nothing beats my grandmama's cooking. I might be in a food coma before the summer ends. Lol.

I'm happy you're getting some time off from all the ghost fighting, man. You need it. Just try not to get too out of shape. The last thing you need is to give Sam a reason to go boot camp sergeant on you when she gets back. Lol!

Danny actually tossed his head back and laughed at that. Knowing Sam, she would even get a whistle and a bullhorn if she felt that it was necessary. Danny made a mental note to spend some time training in the Ghost Zone later. He went back to reading.

Speaking of Sam, she's probably going to say this, but you should be careful around the mom. You know the drill. But about the daughter, is she Japanese or something? Is she cute? What's she like??? If anyone knows anything about Japanese culture, it's me! Don't leave me hanging here dude!!


Danny rolled his eyes before pressing the reply button.


Just make sure that you're in top, ghost fighting condition once you're back. Don't worry about me. I'm at the top of my game. (There'll be no need for "boot camp" Sam to show up). Lol

I know. I'm being careful. The mom isn't a ghost hunter. She just wants to observe ghosts or something. It doesn't really matter. It's not her full time job so I'm not too worried.

Kagome is

Danny stopped and stared at the blinking cursor. What could he say about Kagome?

Kagome is really nice. She's kind pretty too. She's got this really shiny, dark hair

Danny's quickly attacked the backspace button and deleted the entire line. With pursed lips, he tried again.

Kagome's pretty cool. She cheats at Street Brawlers though. And yeah, she's Japanese. She looks...

With a groan, Danny deleted his last sentence. After staring at the cursor for a minute, he quickly shook his head. He had other things to do today! He couldn't spend hours trying to decide how to describe Kagome to Tucker.

I'll send you a picture.


Once he was satisfied, Danny sent the email and then proceeded to open Sam's. He was sure that Sam's email would be filled with worries and tales about her parents' lameness.

Plummeting In Love (Book 1 of Danny Phantom Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now