Maybe I can kick him out of here?

"Hey! No one is allowed on my bed! Get off or I'll t-bag you darling."

I laughed and snuggled further into his bed. Nope I'm not gonna move and

I hope he knows that. I heard him move closer. "DO IT AND YOUR BALLS WILL COME OFF!"

I heard him gulp and sat up on the bed. I noticed he was holding some sweats and a tank top. " Did you get that for me?"

He nodded, his cheeks slightly turning into a shade of pink. His sweet gesture making my chest burst with happiness. He's so sweet.I grabbed the clothes shyly and gave him a small smile. His cheeks deepened in color.

"Thanks.. This is very sweet of you." I told him softly.

He nodded. "Uh , the restroom is over there to the right you can change in there okay?"

I walked into his bathroom and shut the door. He seemed like an okay guy but I can't let my guard down! That's how they can get to you. No doubt he was waiting till he got me To trust him and maybe even like him he was going to make a fool outta me. I can't let that happen, not again and not ever..

I took off my heels rubbing at the sensitive part of my ankle. It was healing but pretty slowly and it still looked disgusting. I took off my fishnets and slipped on the top and sweats. I smiled to myself pretty grateful that I was now a normal looking girl and not how looking. I grabbed a band aid from his sink and put it over the blister. a smile formed on my lips while I got out of the restroom.

Brandon whistled. "You are a gorgeous girl Mia, I really like you in my clothes."

I blushed." Thanks I guess."

He smiled and plopped on his bed. He turned on his tv and patted the spot beside him. I slipped in beside him and watch tv.

It was fun and normal even. I didn't have to beg for food or try to protect myself from fists and kicks. It was amazing and I craved more and more with each second passing by.



I shot up out of the bed tense and ready for a fight."What?!"

Brandon's face was twisted with horror."WHAT THE FUCK IS ON YOUR SKIN?!"

I froze in my spot my mouth opening and closing. I didn't know what to say to him or even how to reply. I just looked down refusing to meet his gaze. I scanned my wrists and saw exactly what he was talking about. I had bite marks from some of my pack members and scars from my silver razor, the markings on both my wrist arms where the makeup smudge. Oh yeah, there is plenty of more marks like that.

I smoothed it over and the marks were gone without a trace.

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