1. Carrying bag full of emotions.

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So here it goes the first chapter . To avoid confusion this chapter is going to be the point of view of our main protagonist girl whose name is Tara.
Tara's p.o.v.

"Mom stop crying for god sake. You have been crying for past 1 hour. If I would have kept a bucket to collect your tears we could solve the water scarcity problem of one village.", my sister said earning herself a slap on her shoulders.
"You won't understand. It's not your daughter who is going to be away from you for 5 years across seas in USA . When you will have your children you will understand.",my mom said in between her sobs.
"Mom she is just 16. Don't you think you are going too ahead. Stop crying. You won't know when these 5 years would get over and I would be back with you all.",hugging my mother I tried to comfort her.
My father went on comforting my mother and telling her it was going to be okay. We were at the airport. I wanted to be an animator and had earned a full scholarship at world's best designing college in USA. My family consisting of my parents and my younger sister,Maya were happy for me and specially my parents. They kept in calling every relatives some of them I had never heard of and boasted about my scholarship. Typical Indian parents!!!! I didn't have a problem with boasting part as I had earned it but I didn't just like to see their fake happiness. I knew that inside their small brain they were jealous and were thinking of future advantages and gifts which I was supposed to bring for them when I return as they were my favourites according to them.
Our family was a middle class  where my father was a chemical engineer and my mom a homemaker. We weren't poor but also not rich. I knew my father couldn't afford the education abroad so I just worked hard and earned a scholarship. Not only my parents but my best friend was also proud of me. She too had earned a scholarship in USA but in different college for engineering. The lucky part was that both the college's were in New York city. She was going to leave for USA after two weeks. Her going to USA was the only reason my mother agreed on sending me otherwise she wouldn't have cared about my scholarship and not allowed me to go. I didn't hate her for that. I know she loves me and was being a little bit actually a lot protective. I think being over protective is in the genes of every mother. But still I love her. My father was supportive through out and showed he didn't fear and was confident but I know him better. He wasn't just showing it. My sister was just a different story. The first thing she said after hearing about my scholarship was that she wouldn't have to share the room with me anymore and it would be all hers. When we were coming to airport my mother just kept repeating the disadvantages of going there. How I would be alone there , how much she would miss me. How i wouldnt get indian food there and also her handmade food. She knew food was my weakness but not so much that i would leave my scholarship for that. At one point she even said I was behaving selfish not caring about her emotions but I knew better not to take it by heart. She was just blabbering in her sorrow. On other side my sister was counting advantages of me going there but not for me for her. She wouldn't have to share tv, room, wouldn't have me ordering her to do stuff , she could have her own ways. Don't take me wrong but I know my sister is a bitch. She is a spoilt,lazy,and even inconsiderate sometimes. I know she loves us but she loves her more than anything else. She has her ego bigger than mount Everest. My mother is worried about her future and her behaviour but still does nothing except shouting once in a while which doesn't show any effect on her. I know she is going to face consequences due to her attitude and ego in future. Though I have warned her multiple times she just doesn't care so I have also stopped caring. But I  still love her.
As the announcement was made at the airport I hugged everyone. Seeing my mom crying I could feel my eyes getting wattery but I prevented the tears to fall down. I didnt want to show that I was afraid or weak especially to my mom so she would just relax and stop crying.
"Take care darling. We would miss you. Skype us eveyday. Eat properly. Don't just trust someone easily. No hanging out late at night. No eating junk food often.and...",my mother would have just went on and on if dad wouldn't have stopped her.
"She knows everything sweetheart. Stop taking tension. She is our brave girl.",my father said.
Just them my sister hugged me tightly,"I hate you. I am not going to miss you." I laughed hearing her and said,"same here."
"I would just say enjoy there. Take in every experience. Just know we are proud of you. Don't do anything that would make us ashamed of you. Be happy live your dreams and life.", my dad  kissed my forehead after finishing his short motivational speech. My sister came near me kissed me on my cheeks and whispered,"Just don't get pregnant." I just ignored her comment and said my final good bye.
I started moving towards the airplane with tousands of thoughts racing in my mind. Along with my luggage I was carrying a bag full of emotions. I was afraid, happy, sad ,excited, nervous and some emotions I can't just explain.
I knew my parents had expectations from me and I wanted to fulfil them. I too had expectations from myself. I wanted to prove my abilities  not to the world but to myself.
As I took my seat in the plane , I let out a deep sigh and closed my eyes.
From tomorrow my new life would start and I was ready for it.
So guys how was the first chapter.
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Next chapter would be updated soon...

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