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I won't write much in the introduction as I am too excited to start with the story.
So this is my second book.
You don't need to read the first one to read this.
So where did this idea come from? No I didn't copy or searched on internet. The idea just passed in my mind as a wave that if I went abroad for education how would my life change? Will I be able to adjust ,make friends or would be left out and become a girl whom no one noticed. I started building up imaginary characters in my mind and wanted them to come alive. What better way than writing them up! Of course you can draw but won't it take too much time and efforts and of course pages.
I was never a girl in my school who was famous for her writing skills and rarely got an A for essays. So forgive me if you find grammatical mistakes as forgivness is the trait of God.
This book ,I am basically writing to satisfy myself of seeing these characters come alive and also to stop them talking in my mind and distracting me during lectures.
As an advertisement taught me that sharing is caring I am sharing this book with all of you.
I would end the introduction by saying a word 'ENJOY!!!!!!' which I am going to do while writing  it.

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