Josh: "I got a message from Rob that he, JJ and Ethan would be here soon, so I decided to wait in the lobby for now. Why was Vik so upset? He was in tears and crying his eyes out when I woke him up. What was going on in his head to cause him that much sorrow and pain?

Ethan: "Hey man?"

Josh: "Hey guys, sorry had something on my mind."

JJ: "You ok."

Josh: "Yeah just that when I woke up Vik he was crying, and he wasn't answering me."

Rob: "I'll assume that doesn't happen often with you guys?"

Josh: "It's only when something major has gone down, anyway where's Tobi?"

JJ: "Don't know and I don't care. After what he did to Simon he doesn't fucking deserve to see him."

Ethan: "If it was up to me he would never see him again."

Rob: "That's a bit harsh don't you think?"

Josh: "He fucked with our friends life. I doubt that warrants us being forgiving of him."

Rob: "Well yeah but still wasn't he Vik's best friend?"

Ethan: "Good we can ask Vik about him."

Josh: "Anyway Simon and Gabe are both awake now."

Rob: "What? Dude let go then. Like now."

Josh: "Come on then."

We practically followed Rob as he half ran to the elevators, as soon as the elevator doors had closed and then re opened again on the floor they were staying on, Rob was out of there like a bolt of lightning. We eventually caught up to him with his arms lightly around Gabe, his lips pressed against Gabe's. Regardless of what Simon had ever said, these two look cute.

Josh: "I brought back some food. I also got a water bottle for the boys each, for Gabe and Simon I grabbed a straw for you guys. I don't think you can use your arms yet hey?"

I walked over and handed one to Harry and Ryan before letting myself slide down the wall under the window, watching the boys spread themselves out. But it looked divided in a sense. With Ethan and JJ watching over Simon and Harry. While Vik had managed to lay down and curled up with Ryan, while Rob had sat beside Gabe on the chair, holding his hand lightly.

Simon: "What's been happening since I was gone?"

Rob: "A lot. They found out what's been going on with Brett. Turns out it was another body. Freya's friend had to do a few scans and Dna checks but eventually managed to make it out to be a different person, Freya has reason to believe the man that has been "Pretending" to be Brett. Is actually Brett."

Simon: "That would make sense about him knowing where we lived? Remember he was there when we found the house."

Ethan: "Another thing is that Freya found out it was Tobi that had been helping him this whole time, don't you see Simon? It was Tobi who had organised and helped Brett murder an innocent person to help Brett get out of the relationship. It was Tobi who let him into the house to plant the fake body, it was all Tobi's fault you were like this."

JJ: "And now the fucking coward is on the run, no one knows where he is and no one fucking cares, he stabbed his best friends in the back and thought he would get away with it. He doesn't fucking deserve to see you or warrant any sympathy from any of us."

Simon: "What if he had a good reason for doing it?"

Ethan: "What?"

Josh: "Simon what's wrong with you? I've never seen you like this. Normally you would be jumping down his throat."

Simon: "Sorry I'm just in a lot of pain and I'm really tired at the moment."

Ethan: "Ok fair enough."

I looked over to see Gabe whispering into Rob's ear. His eyes widened until I watched him start to cry. He got up from his seat and headed over to Vik before picking him up and holding him tightly. Whispering to the smaller boy. avid wrapped his arms around the Canadian before letting go and moving back in beside Ryan.

Vik: "I don't think I'm straight."

Josh: "What do you mean? Like gay?"

Vik: "Not gay. Bi maybe but definitely not gay."

Ryan: "You haven't had the time to talk to Kay have you?"

Vik: "She won't be happy."

Harry: "No girlfriend would if they found out their boyfriend likes dick as well."

JJ: "That's rough don't you think."

Vid: "Josh can I borrow your phone please?"

Josh: "Why?"

Vik: "For fuck sake you useless piece of shit I'm not in the mood. Give me your fucking phone."

Ethan: "Yo Vikk calm down no reason to get your knickers in a twist."

Vik: "Fuck off you fat piece of shit."

Gabe: "Vik."

Harry: "Vikky please."

Ryan: "Your not helping anyone, Josh can you please just let him send a message really quickly."

Josh: "What ever."

I gave him my phone but watched him, he was texting Freya, why couldn't he just tell me what to write. Simple yeah?"

Vik: "Thanks."

He handed it back and I looked at the messages to find it empty.

Vik: "I deleted the text after I sent it."

Josh: "Why the fuck did you do that?"

Simon: "We have to Vik."

Vik: "We don't have to do shit."

Harry: "If you don't I will."

Vik: "Harry please. I need some time."

Gabe: "This affected every single one of us Vik. We all need time. Some more than others and I respect that but right now. We all need someone to hold us."

As if on cue, Rob slowly eased himself next to Gabe and lightly out his arms around him. I looked around the room to see Simon looking down as well.

Ethan: "You know something. And it's about Tobi isn't it?"

I could sense Vik getting angry.

Ethan: "What the fuck does that pathetic loser want now?"

Luckily we are in a hospital, watching Vik get up off the bed and walk over to Ethan before punching him clean in the chin made me shit myself, he had never been violent or had ever thrown a punch in his life, he had never been so angry before either.

Ethan: "What the fuck was that for?"

Vik: "Tobi doesn't want anything you piece of shit. You don't fucking deserve to know."

Ethan: "If he's leaving the Sidemen than good riddance. He should have thought about that before throwing Simon under the bus."

JJ: "He doesn't fucking deserve to work with us if he's going to be a cunt."

Vikk walked up and punched JJ this time. Only this time it was directly into his face, causing his nose to start to bleed. Rob walked up behind Vik and started to pull him away. And that's when my heart dropped.


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