Samuel carters brother & Justin

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"What's with Carter's brother? Did he also do something to you ?" Niall asked worriedly

"No need to worry Niall. Samuel,thats Carter's brother,he cakes over one day and was like 'don't ever let Amelia in Carter's near, he's going to hurt her even badder that he did with his other girlfriends. Take care of her.' Mom and me were confused about this but before we could ask him what he means a shoot noise came and Samuel laid dead on our kitchen floor,but he said a last sentence was 'I love you Ty take care of your family' then he was fully dead I screamed and started crying Samuel were my best friend back in Miami he were the only one there for me when I needed someone. Mom called the police. Samuel warned us as we warned Amelia,but she didn't listened,she were head over heels in Carter. Then that night came when she died. " I explained to them

"So Samuel were the white sheep and Carter the black sheep,right ?" Paul asked

"Yep you're right" mom said

"Well then..." Niall got cutter off by my phone.


"Hello ?"I asked sweetly


"Oh shit sorry justin I'll be there in 10."

"You better be or I'll be flying back. " He said slightly pissed.

I laughed to myself as I went back,

"Sorry guys I have to go I'll be back in 20 minutes,just going to the supermarket. " I said while leaving.

"Alright take care honey" mom screamed,if she only knew.

Justin is like her second child. He loves her and she loves him. But Pattie is also my second mom I call her mom.

When I got to the airport it already rained as shit.

After 5 minutes looking for him I saw Justin soaking wet standing in the rain.

"JUSTIN COME HERE YOU CUNT!" O screamed out of the window that he hears me. After he finally got to my car he were even more pissed because his hair was ruined

"Tyler look what you did to my hair, it's ruined." he said pissed

"Hello to you too Justin" I said laughing

"Yeah yeah hello just drive home already. I don't wanna get a cold."

I just laughed at how pissed he was.



"I love you best friend"

"I love you too best friend and I missed you to china and back." He said cheeky

"Awh Justin I missed you too"

We talked about old memories, about his tour,when he ran into the glass door,how I got together with Niall,about about some random stuff.

As we were about to walk into my house Justin told me a story

"Remember when we used to go to a park with roller coaster ? and one time we went on one it stopped right in the looping and we thought we were going to die ?" we both laughed at this memory,and went into my house.

As I closed the door I heard Niall say

"Ty is that you? is there someone with you?" he asked

"Justin hide in the closet." I whispered and he did what I told him.

"No babe there isn't someone with me I was just talking with someone on my phone." I said back

"Alright I'm gonna go and play FIFA with the mates wanna play with us ?"

"Nah sorry I have to pass I'm not in the mood right now,sorry babe." I kissed him on the mouth.

"See ya later Ty." We went back in the games room.

Ohh my surprise was almost killed damnit Niall.

"Sphh Justin come out." I whispered

"Is he gone ?" He asked

"Yep he is."

He got out of the closet and fixed his hair.

"Okay so my plan was....."


Okay guys you probably hate me because I always do cliffhanger but then I hope you are going to wait for me to update.

And guys I'll start doing this that you have to comment and vote until I'll update because I just feel like you don't like it.

Well I'll update when

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-love Sara ♡

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