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Well yea now I'm here,standing in front of the house,which is huge,and when I say huge,I mean it ! I breathed in tried to calm myself down. Then I rang the doorbell. I heard footstep and before I could do anything,Paul aka my dad stand in front of me.

'Tyler is that you?'

'Yea dad it's me.' I said tearing up. He came nearer to hugging me,I hugged him back and he said

'Shhh,I'm hear now nothing can bring us'

'Yes....never...' I said,my voice cracked.

'PAUUUUL WHO'S THERE???' I could someone scream.

'TYLER LOUIS ! I'M COMING! Tyler lets go inside I'd like to show you one direction.' He said,sweetly and I nodded.

We walked in and I heard a play station and FIFA. Are these guys really THAT boyish ?!

'Niall,Zayn and Liam turn the ps off I'd like to show you someone.' They turned their faces to me. Everyone looked at me. Ugh how much I hate that.

'Paul who's that?' Niall said in his Irish accent.

God it's even better in real life than in the videos.

'That's Tyler she's my daughter.' My dad said, I actually didn't want to tear up but I did.

'C'mon Tyler,lemme give you a hug.' Louis said hugging me.

'Thanks I needed that.' I said

'No problem love.' He said

'So Tyler I'm just asking but I hope you won't mind,we're having a room in this house we don't use,so if its ok for you than I want that you to move in here with us.' Paul,ehmm dad asked,

'Ehm....uh...haaa...' I said,yea I don't know what to say.

'Tyler you know that you don't have to do that!'

'Of course I wanna move in here!'

'Yay so I'm gonna call Darcy and ask if its also ok for her.' He said and with this he went away.

'So Tyler tell us about yourself.' Harry said....Harry he wasn't here when I came in. Nah I don't care.

'Well I'm Tyler, I life with my mum in London city,I lived before in America,in Miami. I'm 17,I can play the guitar,I can ride the penny board and the skate board. I learned that from my closed friend. Austin Mahone. I'm pretty obsessed with Skittles an Monster. You know that energy drink. I'm literally the happiest girl you'll ever meet. I'm in love with Little Mix. My favorite clothes brand is Abercrombie&Fitch,Holister and forever 21. Ariana Grande is my idol. And I'm obsessed with YouTube my favorite YouTuber is tyleroakley and the janoskians. I can speak French and german. I can sing. My favorite sport is basketball and soccer. Uhmm have i forgot something nah I don't. So yea that's me.' I ended and everyone let their jaws falling.

'Guys close it or a bee flys in.' I said laughing.

'First you are fucking incredible and second YOU'RE BEFRIENDED WITH AUSTIN MAHONE !?!?' Louis said

'Yea yea I know you don't believe me and Niall please don't scream now but I'm also befriended with Just-'

'WITH JUSTIN BIEBER ?!?!?!?' Niall screamed.

'Yea I can call him now if you want.' I said,Niall literally fangirled and nodded.

I sealed his number.

'Hey Ty.' Justin said and Niall literally fangirled

'Hey justiiiiiiiiiin, how's life in LA ? And remember when I told you I don't know how my dad is ?' I said

'Yes sure why?' Justin asked

'I just found out that its Paul Higgins.'

'Isn't he the bodyguard from that band One Direction?'

'Yea he is I'm with them right now,you're on speaker.'

'Ohh okay hey mates.' He said

'Hey Justin' they all said in at the same time.

'Aye is Niall there?'

'Yes I am.' Niall tried to sound calm

'I know that you're a huge fan of me and hey you're a pretty well singer.'

'T-t-thank you Justin.' He said

'No problem but I gotta go talk to you later Ty bye love you and bye mates great to talk to you.

'Bye Justin love you too' I said

'Bye Justin.' They all said as he hung up. Niall ran out and I could hear him screaming outta the house. After 5 minutes he came back.

'Everything's fine Niall ?' I asked

'Ohh yea yea everything's fine.'

We talked a little bit more about everything random.

'So Tyler your mother said yes and you can go home and pack your stuff I'm coming in 4 hours back to pick you up.' Dad said.

'Yay and sure thing.' I said 'bye guys nice to meet you I'll be back in a few.' I said while walking in the basement,hugging them all. They all said goodbye and I walked out.

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