" Wake up, Liam! Wake up!" Bracing himself against the impact, he ran towards the apple tree full force.

" Li!" The scream was filled with concern. The one thing that the alter ego had in common with Zayn was his voice. It was exactly like Zayn's, the concern in it making it heavier. It was the reason Liam couldn't keep himself from turning to look at the boy. It felt as if a sharp object had found its way into Liam's heart and embedded itself in the very depth of it. The blankets were long gone and now there was a barely upright figure, consisting of bruised skin and protruding bones, in front of him. Liam's breath hitched in his throat, as a harsh wind flowed passed them making Zayn unstable on his own two feet. All the rational thoughts that he had repeated to himself for when he faced a situation as such left him and he rushed to his only love's aid.

" Zayn!" He wrapped his arms around the younger lad, loose enough in order to prevent himself from breaking him. Zayn wrapped his dainty arms around Liam's neck, his eyes looking directly into Liam's.

" Don't worry, Li. I wouldn't stay that long." His eyes scrunched up in pain. Liam was about to ask him what he meant but he was interrupted by a half scream before Zayn's bone were cracking like a disordered skeleton.

" Zayn...Zayn." Liam could barely manage a breath as Zayn's body completely transitioned into his wolf. Suddenly, Liam was on the ground holding onto a silver wolf, who was completely immobile. Scared out of his wits he was completely lost on the situation. What was he supposed to do now? This had never happened in any of his dreams. Was this really a dream?

He let out a heavy breath and shook his head hard. " Zayn!" He shook the wolf and if he ever had another go at it again he'd remember not to do that again. As soon as Zayn was disturbed from his position, he howled loudly before collapsing on the ground. What made the ground under Liam slip away was the blood that started flowing out of Zayn's nose. Alarmed, he pressed his hand against it to stop the blood. To his terror, it only made it worse and now there was blood coming out from his ears, his eyes, his nose and his mouth. Liam felt as if he had been placed in a vacuum and it was sucking away at his skin. Before he could comprehend Zayn was taking his last strained breath and then he was gone.

Liam's eyes widened as it crashed him. Zayn was dead. It wasn't just a possibility that he avoided thinking about but a harsh reality. He had died. Nothing would bring him back. He wouldn't be in the world from now on. He was truly gone.

It was like reality had slapped him across his face waking him up from the dream but his mind was still there with the wolf that he had just lost. Everything was vague and hazy apart from the shock that had left his body ice cold and paralysed. A small part of his brain registered movements around him but it was not nearly as powerful as the grief that had settled in his heart. The only coherent thought in his head is Zayn and so without even realising he kept repeating it verbally.

Unknown to him, his mother was the one who had discovered him, screaming and thrashing. When she had managed to rouse him enough for him to sit up, he was completely unresponsive, eyes wide and only one thing coming out of his mouth. It didn't take long for the room to become crowded with the most trusted people and suddenly everyone was worried for their future Alpha king. Luna Karen, however, was feeling something far more intense than that. She had been watching her son from afar as he gave up on life and withered away with every single breath. She had been waiting for Liam to approach her on his own terms but clearly, that was too much trust to be placed in a mere teenager. At once, Luna Karen ordered the witch to be called as she believed there was something beyond them that was troubling Liam. Maybe it was time to do something about the attachment after all. She was thankful that Rachel was visiting her pack for the day. Poor girl, whatever she'd have gone through if she saw her mate in such a condition with only one name on his lips, and not her own.

Every Single Jigsaw Piece (Ziam Au) (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now