Chapter 1

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"Everybody deserves true love"; a shitty quotation.

The name's Destinee I know it's a stupid name, not gonna mention my surname; because I hate and never was proud of my family. I have been living without them since I was 12, I did runaway; my life is fucked up and everything is just something to curse and to swear about....

Now that I'm 16 I still carry these ugly burdens which has definitely changed me however there is this guy at my school whom I have loved ever since, he was my inspiration to still live, we were friends back then, as time pass people change and I was just a stranger to him up to now, I got depressed again and changed for ,maybe...  the worse. I look, speak and act differently, I do go to school, surprised? because,  there were this couple who saw me crying on a certain corner, I had been there for 5 hours, I was both starving and shivering, it was winter then, they asked me some questions but I collapsed...

" Claire! Let's take her to the hospital!!." I was like floating, I felt nothing, all I could hear were murmurs, the engine, the horn of the cars, my heart...and then everything faded ... a nightmare came in.

"You are a fucking disgrace to this family!!!, all I could hear from you is your weeping... shut the fuck up Des or I'll hit you even harder this time.." Dad shouted banging my head on the wall...

"Dad it hurts!!!" I shrieked.

"I know you want more, you fucking slut!!!." He chuckled slapping me this time...

"Daddy please No.. stop it..." I yelped getting dizzy... the nightmare ended and as I opened my eyes I was in this small white room there were two people inside, both of them eyeing on me, then I remembered my nightmare and broke down instantly.

"Daddy no!! no!! please.. stop" I cried, the two people came near me sitting on the bed.

"Darling everything's gonna be fine, you're safe now.." She hushed wiping my tears away; her sparkling blue eyes reminded me of mommy. I looked down because I remembered her bad deeds to me.

"Wh-o a-re yo-u? Wh-ere a-m I?" I said, my voice was trembling.

"I am Claire and this is Chris, my husband.." She said; both of them sending out a warm smile.

"What's your name sweetie?" Chris asked.

"Uhm.. I'm Destinee." I said tyring to smile.

"Beautiful name..." Chris smiled.

"Well, don't worry you'll be getting home s...?"  Claire asked.

"N-o No!!! please don't bring me there again!!" I cried cutting her off.

"Okay, Destinee we won't, stop crying now dear." Claire smiled hugging me, I could see tears in her eyes, I guess they knew what happened.. I was then Destinee Grant, they treated me like their own daughter.. I was an actual blessing to them for they couldn't have kids i guess, things do happen for a reason.. but hell no never include my horrible past.

Another tragedy happened just last month, both of them got into a car accident, I got depressed as always, of course they are my everything, I love them a lot and they raised me perfectly...that was the last time I felt true love and acceptance.

Harry didn't even comfort me.. I had nobody all over again, I only had whiskey and marijuana with me. Because the people at school knew about my past and life. Ceecee who is rumored to be Harry's girlfriend was somehow my best friend back then as well, we were called the "happy three friends", weird right? purposely she spread my unpleasant life to gain popularity.

I was never noticed at school but good thing they feared me, because there was this one time that I beat up the hell out of Sophie Hall, the red haired slut, she freaking tried to cut my hair for some weird voodoo shit that she was dealing with, after that she was absent for a month...

Kendall was my never ending admirer ...he may be hot but, I never did mind him, all he cares about is his nice ass and body... if only Harry would notice me but I'm sure he won't because like he said "Stay away from me."


Part 1 of Sweet Nothings

Lemme me know what u think ... any criticisms  or positive comments i'm open to it :)

Can't seem to manipulate the characters/cast

Taylor Momsen as Destinee --------> (her pic on your right)

*sorry for any errors xx

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