Chapter thirteen

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"Did you tell her?"
"No, of course not."

The envelope looked as though it contained his death sentence or the last words he would ever say. But he couldn't tell Lydia. Because the size of the envelope already told him there was a letter that started with "congratulations" and ended with "we'll be expecting you next semester". So he kept on staring at it, thankful but also scared.

Malia looked at his twitching hand on the countertop and sighed. "If you aren't going to open it I will."
He debated this for a moment. "Go ahead." She reached for the package as Stiles went to the fridge for some form of beverage. He already knew what it said he didn't need to open it.

"They're giving you a scholarship..." Malia mumbles causing Stiles to almost drop his juice.
"Yeah! Look right here, ' New York University is pleased to offer you a graduate scholarship'."
He was astonished. He didn't believe his artwork was that good none the less good enough to earn a scholarship to his dream school.

"What do I do? Do I tell him?" Lydia's voice strained as she worriedly spoke to Allison through the phone. "I mean he obviously remembers it if I remember it and I was roaring drunk." Ah yes, the great kiss debacle. It had caused her to look out of her window over to his house multiple times, avoid texting him, and it was probably the first day in three years they hadn't spoken to one another.

"He probably thinks that you don't know about it so just pretend like you don't." Allison tells her. Lydia chewed on her nail and peaked through her curtains once more. The static of the phone filled Allison's ear and she rolled her eyes.
"Huh? Sorry,  what did you say?"
"I didn't say anything! You're too paranoid."
But was she really? This kiss could be something that potentially ruins their friendship. She could never imagine a life without Stiles. She released her finger and chose to chew on her lip instead.

Gasping, Lydia opened the curtains a little wider, eager to see the picture of movement.
"I'm going to get the mail, goodbye Allison!" She practically sang and quickly hung up on the girl. Seeing Stiles walking down his driveway outside was the perfect excuse to leave the house in her pajamas.

Playing it cool, she opened the front door and headed straight for the mailbox. She didn't know he was out here. Stiles? Oh hey! And just as she was about to turn and look.
"So I'll pick you up for school tomorrow morning?" Her heart dropped. It was the kind of voice he reserved specifically for–

Malia. The girl smiled and said something back as he helped her into the passenger side of the jeep. Her eyes landed on Lydia and she waved with a smile.

Of course, this caused Stiles to look. And of course by now that was the last thing Lydia wanted to happen. Suddenly she was very aware of her appearance; a pair of Stiles' old sweatpants and swooped so low on her that lace was visible, an old tank top she'd had since around the seventh grade, and two little buns atop her head. Both of their hearts paused.

But then he smiled and she practically melted. Maybe he had forgotten. She watched him say something else to Malia and then close her door but instead of going to the drivers side, he started walking towards her. NOPE. NOPE HE DEFINITELY HADN'T FORGOTTEN.

"Hey." He sighed, shoving his hands in his pockets. She didn't respond because he was already clearing his throat. "Uh... remind me later but..we need to talk. Okay?"
She nodded frantically, anything to get him to leave because she could already hear the conversation in her head and she already knew it meant that damn kiss had ruined everything.
Authors note:

This chapter and the next will be a little short but it's just some build up for the fifteenth because shit goes DOOOOOWN.
Comment, read, enjoy!

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