Chapter seventeen

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Her phone rang at exactly 8:47 at night.

"Hey, I didn't see you in the parking lot I was just calling to make sure you were okay." Stiles' voice was smooth like honey and she almost dropped the drawing she was currently hanging.
"I'm fine. Had an off period so I left early." She lied but her stomach had already been tied in so many knots she would've thought a Boy Scout lived inside of her.
He sighed shakily on the other end of the line. "Oh..."
Her brows furrowed. "Why? Were you hoping I was sick?" They both laughed lightly, the first laugh in a while.

She could practically hear him kicking at the ground with beat up sneakers on, a nervous habit he had obtained when there was nothing to say.
"Nah...but I did have to give you something." He cleared his throat. Lydia's brows furrowed and she stepped down from the ladder, making her way over to her window. Opening up the curtains, she noticed he wasn't pacing in his room but his jeep was in the driveway.

"Where are you?" Lydia chuckles.
"In my room..."
She checks the window again but nothing had changed, his room was still empty. A sudden unexplainable fear washed over her.
"Stiles," she spoke cautiously, "what are you really doing right now?"
He sighed and though she couldn't see, licked his lips. He could feel his hands shaking. But he had promised.

"Honestly? I'm trying to get over the fact that I love you. That I've loved you since the day we met. That I'm just now figuring it out. But I'm also trying to come to my senses. Because I definitely know that I've seen you with more guys than you've seen me with girls yet I've embarrassingly cried more over that one girl than you have with any of those douches." She laughs and clasps a hand over her mouth. She couldn't believe this was happening and he took a deep breath. "And what I'm really doing right now is standing outside your door..."

She'd never hung up on him faster in all of her life. Bounding down the stairs so fast she practically tripped with every step, Lydia fled her room, forgetting the strings of cut-outs and drawings. Instead she threw open the front door, running straight into the arms of the boy she knew was already waiting for her. She kissed him without hesitation. He kissed back with no question.

"My mom's inside." Lydia whispered against his lips.
"My dad's at work." He whispered in return. She paused, rubbed circles into his neck where her fingers rested while he waited patiently for her to say something else.
"Are you working on anything?" She asks and he raises a brow.
"Painting. Are you painting anything at the moment?" She smiles at his almost confused look.

Yes, I'm working on my early first semester project for NYU. Shit he still had to tell her about that. But he couldn't bear to explain how he had secretly applied to his dream college and now that he had gotten in, planned to move away from the girl he'd just confessed his feelings to.
"Uhhhh...yeah, you want to help me?" He asks and she instantly nods.

"Do you have any good food?" Lydia asks, probably defrosting everything in the fridge seeing as she'd been standing with the door open for almost a solid ten minutes. Stiles suddenly appears over her shoulder.
"Here. Chocolate syrup." He snatches the bottle, offering some to the girl while closing the refrigerator door.

She gives him a threatening look and he shrugs, popping the top off for himself before taking a little drink. It felt as though nothing had changed; they were best friends, she was over at his house, he was a goof and she was rolling her eyes. But also...

She grabs his chin (gently mind you) with her forefinger and thumb, bringing him down to her height before stealing a kiss. Yeah they definitely couldn't do that when they were best friends. There's probably two seconds of nice silence before an awkward noise escapes Stiles and he shuffles away.
"Weird, weird!" He mutters causing Lydia to laugh, trailing after him to his room upstairs.

"So..." He sighs, sitting at his stool in front of his project. "This is it."
She eyes the canvas over his shoulder.
"It's blank."
"Thank you, I know. It's wonderful. Any ideas?" He was thumbing through his brushes as a distraction now. Lydia bit the inside of her cheek. If it were her maybe she would have done some form of twisted forestry but Stiles could barely draw a stick, he was better at people.

"Paint me." She suggests and he gives her a look with eyes so wide she thought they would've popped out of his skull.
"Lyds, I'm not gonna pull a Jack Dawson."
"I was just trying to help!! Besides, you said you were working on something and you lied, it's blank."
He grumbled and said something under his breath that she couldn't quite hear but automatically assumed it was sassy.

With a whimsical sigh, the girl climbed into his bed and snuggled against the covers.
"By the way you said you had to give me something." She remembered, yawning a little. He smiled and got up, sitting on the mattress next to where she lay.
"I did." He spoke as though it was obvious but Lydia furrowed her brows. "I gave you a boyfriend."

Lydia rolls her eyes and scoots over so she can lie with him. And so he does.
Authors note:

I'm still salty.
Comment, read, enjoy!

Me Too (completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon