Chapter ten

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Two hours ago she wasn't pressed between him and the bedroom door.

No, two hours ago she had just walked through the door to Dairy Queen while he had already been there for half an hour. And in that thirty minutes he couldn't stop thinking about yesterday. He'd gotten a little jealous over the guy Lydia had been talking to yet here he was on a date with Malia. It seemed very morally wrong.

But then she walked in and suddenly Stiles missed having someone to call his own.

Meanwhile Lydia was talking Allison ear off. The brunette had rolled her eyes at least a million times to no exaggeration because it was pretty obvious Lydia probably had a crush on Stiles. She had went on and on about how Malia didn't deserve him and how he was going to worship her again like some sort of false god. Allison agreed, though to some extent if Malia made him happy she was fine with that too only because everyone's main priority was making sure Stiles was happy so he didn't jump off a train.

But she thought Lydia was a better suit.

Three minutes. It had to have been three minutes they were in his house before the girl was pressed against his bedroom door. They didn't really mean for it to happen, honestly, but let's face it: they're teenagers.
"Wait if we're going to–" Malia broke the kiss.
"Yeah," he nodded frantically. "I think I have some i-in my bathroom. Two seconds." He pecked her lips before rushing across the hall. Malia allowed herself to slip into his bedroom with a small chuckle as he closed the bathroom door.

It was the same bedroom, hadn't changed a bit since the last time she'd been in here. Paints and sketches scattered haphazardly across the floor, charcoals lined across his desk along with a few pencils here and there. Malia's soft smile slowly faded into a neutral expression. Yes his room hadn't changed at all; traces of Lydia found almost everywhere you could find his belongings. A jacket hanging off of the closet door, a picture of them tucked next to the lamp on his bedside table, her name scrawled prettily on the side of his dresser in sharpie. She could never compete with the girl.

There was a loud thud from across the hall causing her to stop. "Stiles?" She called. If he answered back he was fine, if not maybe he slipped, she told herself. But there was no answer to comfort her so she exited his room and knocked on the bathroom door. "Stiles you okay?" She tried again and when there was no response she tried the door handle. It was locked. She hadn't remembered hearing him lock it causing her to slightly panic and knock on the door again. Nothing. Malia sprinted for a phone.

Goddammit he hated needles.

It was the first thing he had felt when he'd woken (the little pinches in his arm), the second being a hand in his own.
"Fucking douche you scared the shit out of me!" Lydia squeezed his hand and he smiled, turning in her direction but keeping his eyes closed.
"Whado they have me on? Morphine?" Stiles slurs slightly, somehow already knowing he was in a hospital. Every time he made the littlest of movements his head clawed at his skull angrily.

"Yeah. Want me to get a nurse?"
He inhaled deeply though instantly regretting it. "Where's my dad?" Stiles ignored her question.
"Left an hour after they confirmed you'd be alright but he's been texting me every forty minutes." Lydia's other hand picked at the thin sheets as he finally decided to open his eyes. He swore he could've been dreaming. Though his vision was slightly blurry and a little distorted, Lydia looked beautiful as she always did wearing some sort of sweater and her hair in natural curls.

He winced. "Shit, close the blinds please?" As she stood he raised a hand to his forehead, attempting to sooth the throbbing. Secretively, she pushed the nurses button. She then returned to her spot in the uncomfortable hospital chair she'd been sitting in for two days. Yes, two full days.
"Slipped n' hit my head on the damn sink." He mumbled and she noted how small and tired all of his sentences sounded. She laughed at his word choice though.
"I know, big fella... There was a lot of blood apparently."
His brows furrowed but then went back to normal when a wave of pain coursed through him.

After a few seconds of silence a nurse entered the room with a smile that Lydia returned.
"How are we feeling, Mr.Stilinski?" She asked calmly, beginning to check his vitals and such.
"Shitty. Need more drugs."
Lydia rolled her eyes and apologized for him. But the nurse was pretty cool and gave a little laugh explaining he was on the highest dosage allowed. She then went through several of his questions, most of which were just different ways of asking to take a nap, to which she'd always reply with he had to try and stay awake but falling asleep wouldn't harm him. She also told him to try and keep his eyes open and sit up just a bit but not too much because then he could black out. She left with a smile and a "let me know if you need anything" sweet voice.

The more Lydia thought about it, the more grateful she had been. He'd fractured his skull causing a concussion that thankfully only kept him out for two days and so far didn't show any signs of memory loss. He did loose a lot of blood though and ultimately could've ended up dead. The corner of Stiles lips curled slightly. He thanked her in a whisper. She welcomed him with a smile.
Authors note:

Comment, read, enjoy!

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