Kiba's Winter

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AN: This is koditheassassin here bringing you a one-shot with my season being winter.



Kiba's winter

Sounds of slushes could be heard in the meadow of Konoha's forest. A six year old boy who had six physical traits of a canine. He has messy brown hair, sharp black eyes with vertical slit-like pupils, and little canine like teeth. He also had distinctive red fangs on his cheeks.

His clothing consisted on dark grayish pants reaching to his calves, which was unusual to be outside in this cold with that set of clothing on, a gray hooded fur-lined coat, with the hood over his head, with black boots. This boy was Kiba.

Right next to him was a small white puppy, the puppy has a brown nose as well as brown patches on his ears and a brown outline on his mouth. This dog is Akamaru. They were heading to their usual spot in the woods of the village were they have fun and goof off in the snow.

They usually go to this spot for other things like playing fetch or train a little. But today was a special day. In the elemental nations it rarely ever snows in the fire country. It was no different this year either this was the only day where the day was actually a good snow day.

Which was why Kiba and Akamaru were heading to this spot in the forest to be able to enjoy the winter there. The winter to them was amazing. The blanket of snow that covered the plane making it a more dazziling sight. The way the wind blow's through there hair as they run around the area and how the only people that are there is them.

Its not like Kiba didn't like the other kids, it's just that sometimes he wants to spend time solely with Akamaru, after all he was his first friend.

After a couple minutes of walking through the forest, they had finally reached their destination. Before the opening had snow. It was plain and only filled with green grass and a few flowers. But now it was covered with a blanket of snow that covered the plain. It gave the area an ethereal beauty, which is something Kiba loved.

Kiba never really would admit this in front of anybody, for the reason to keep his cool guy act, but he had a soft spot when it came to looking at beautiful sceneries. When he came to this opening during winter he would admire the beauty it represented. How the wind blew against the trees causing more snow to land on the ground. Also, when the pond is frozen over due to the cold it makes it fun to slide across. Lastly how the winter rabbits ran across the snow, which causes Akamaru gives chase and he would sometimes follow.

He finished his thoughts when he looked down to Akamaru, who was looking at him awkwardly, which caused him to shake his head and look at him with a goofy grin.

"Come on, Akamaru, let's have some fun!" Kiba said in his usual upbeat tone trying to get Akamaru to ignore him 'staring off into space' mode. After hearing his friend's order, Akamaru barked in agreement and quickly ran into the snow.

Kiba, not wanting to be left behind, quickly followed his dog into the snow to join in the fun. They quickly did the first thing that went into their mind. Which was to build a snow fort. Kiba started gathering snow to the make the wall of the fort and using water, which he got from the pond by making a hole in it, to make the wall harden into ice. After completing that he felt a tug on his leggings.

Looking down he sees Akamaru carrying what appeared to be a brown flag (where he got it I will never know). "Wow, nice find Akamaru! Every fort needs a flag." he said while taking the flag and patting his head. Akamaru gave a bark of happiness seeing his friend happy with his achievement.

After getting the flag from Akamaru, he put it on the front of the fort to make it official. He walked to the front of his base to admire his work. The walls he made looked like one of a castles wall. And with the flag on the top of it, it made the fort complete.

With that done Kiba decided they should make a snow man. I mean, it makes sense; you can't have a fort without an army. So he began with taking some snow and turn it into a ball and rolled it aroud the snow. Once he got it to the right size, he decided to make the middle piece, but before he could make the next one Akamaru appeared and with him was the middle piece of the snow man.

"Good job Akamaru!" Kiba said, congratulating him. Akamaru barked and let Kiba pick up the ball of snow and put it on top of the larger one. After that was completed Kiba decided to finish the smaller one and put it on top of the medium one which finished the snowman. He repeated this process a few times and ended up with 8 snowmen in total.

Once finished, Akamaru went on top of Kiba's head and Kiba went on top of an ice stand, which he made using somewhat of the same method with the fort, and began chanting.

"Hahahaha! Bow down, people, for I am the king of this fort!" Akamaru barked in agreement as Kiba kept chanting. Though they were met with silence from the snowmen, they still had fun regardless. After running out of breath Kiba fell back into the snow behind him, not feeling any pain from falling due to landing on the soft snow.

Once on the floor Akamaru went to Kiba's chest and snuggled into his chest, tired from the today's experience. Kiba went and pet Akamaru's head, with him giving a growl of approval.

Kiba looked up to the sky and saw little snow flakes coming down and hitting his face. With that he couldn't help but think.

"I love winter"


AN: thanks for reading hope you enjoyed this one-shot that just came up in my head. This is Kodi the assassin and may you walk free.

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