The Finest Patient

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Lay still my man and wait your turn,

For within your breast their grows a worm.

And this fair doctor that you see,

will be the one to set your free.

I've trained amongst the wisest men,

When they thought me trained, I trained again!

I learned of bone and bird and bee,

And from your worm I'll set you free!

My father was baker, fair,

My mother a pirate, a buccaneer,

I've traveled on both land and sea,

And from that worm, I'll set you free!

My blades are sharper than my tongue,

Of the keenness of my eyes, Bards sung,

Tales of my glory follow me,

And from your worm, I'll set you free!

Look out amongst this massive crowd,

Noble, peasant, the strong, the proud,

Each greets me with both gold and glee,

For from their worms I'll set them free.

I know that you can't feel it yet,

This fatal worm within your chest,

But it binds your heart your brains, your bowels,

This hoary creature fleet and foul,

Will end your life, why can't you see

Unless you let me cut it free!

With my sharp blades I'll cut it free!

Through bone and sinew cut it free,

And then my man you'll truly be,

The finest patient a corpse could be...

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