Come Here He Says, Come Here

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Rest your weary head, my friend,

Rest your weary head.

The Sun is setting up above, its embers nearly dead.

Her cousin Sleep is calling, "Come here," he says, "come here."

And we should go to greet him, and put away our fears.

For the Day was long, as days must be,

Much doing has been done.

We put in all our hours, beneath that cousin Sun.

We strained our bones, we strained our minds, till muscles could not bear,

But now cousin Sleep is calling, "Come here," he says, "come here."

There have been failures that we've failed at,

And successes to be found.

We've greeted every challenge,

Except those we've stepped around.

We've pushed ourselves to breaking,

For those souls for whom we care,

But now cousin Sleep is calling, "Come here," he says, "come here."

When we close our eyes tonight,

New adventures we will see.

We'll let go of all our worries,

And for once, just truly be,

Because being just for being, is why cousin Sleep is there,

Every night,

So gentle calling, "Come here," he says, "come here..."

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