Chapter Thirty: Home

Depuis le début

"When I was out, there was a choice. I had to choose between the light, which meant death, and then I heard your voice. It made me think of home. I obviously chose home," I told him. Then I watched as his face turn more confused.

"What is so wrong with that?" he asked me.

"Steve, I almost chose the other direction. I almost chose the light. I stepped right into it, but when I heard your voice for the last time, something stopped me. I knew there was more for me here. But, it doesn't change the fact that there was a part of me that didn't want to come back," I told him ashamed. "There was part of me that knew maybe I wasn't worthy of a second chance. All those things I have done, maybe it would have been better for me to not come back."

"Don't every say that. You deserve everything you have worked for," Steve told me simply. "There is much more to you than you give yourself credit for. I fell in love with a strong and beautiful woman, I want to marry a caring and determined woman."

As he said this he pulled out my ring, almost as if he was proposing once again.

"Steve, you're too good to me," I told him smiling. I held out my hand, letting him place the ring back on my finger.

"They had to take it off when they took you into surgery," he told me. "I have been holding it the past three days while you have been out."

"I'm glad you held onto it for me," I told him laughing, but cutting short as there was a burning in my side.

"Be careful, they said you'll take a couple weeks to heal up," he told me, staring at my side. "I should have never let you go."

"I would have gone no matter what. It's what I was meant for. Maybe that's the reason I was given a second chance." 

"I know you were meant for great things," he told me smiling, kissing my forehead. I could feel my heart beat speed up, surprising the heart monitor didn't go crazy. 

"Weren't you going to let some team members know I was okay?" I asked him, smiling at him. Trying to calm myself. I didn't need to frighten the nurses with an accelerated heart rate. Even if the cause of it was a good one.

"I'll be right back okay? No more scaring me okay," he told me, as if he didn't want to let me out of his sight.

"I don't think I am going anywhere," I told him, holding up the arm with the IV in it.

He gave me a small smile, before leaving the room to make the phone calls.

As he left Clint walked through the door. I saw his face look down at the ground, almost as if he were afraid to come all the way inside. 

"Come in, I don't bite," I told him, chuckling slightly. He looked unsure, but stepped all the way through now. Walking to the side of my bed, looking down at my hand. Almost as if he wanted to grab it, but obviously thought twice about it. 

"I'm glad to see you're okay. I was worried like crazy, the whole team was. I know you don't always think of yourself as a part of the team but you're just as much apart of the Avengers as everyone. Poor Steve was worried sick while you were out, he hardly left the room. I thought Natasha was going to kick his ass when he refused to even leave for food," Clint started talking. My heart soared at the love for my teammates, knowing they loved me as much as I loved them. Even if we all had weird ways of showing it. "Everyone has been back and forth the past three days. Everyone has been on the edge of their seats, not quite sure what to do." 

"Well I am all good now, I couldn't leave you all behind," I told him, this time grabbing his hand myself. He gave me a small smile, a grateful one. I was extending an olive branch. 

"Listen Clint, I'm sorry for how I was acting. I was being childish, I'm sure there was a good reason as to why you never told me," I told him, tired of our fighting. Tired of the huge wall that has been between us. Even if the wall was put up by myself. 

"I did, or at least I thought I did. Now it seems silly. I should have just told you. You are like a sister to me," he told me thoughtfully. 

"Well if I can ask, what was the reason? You don't have to tell me, whatever you say I can accept. You and Nat are like family to me. This uh near death experience has taught me nothing is more important than those close to you," I told him. 

"The reason I didn't tell you was because, uh well," he started, scratching the back of his neck nervously. "I knew that there was always some chance of Hydra, or an evil mastermind, getting inside your head. There are so many things you already know from mind reading and all that nonsense you do, but my family was something I couldn't risk. You would be a huge target if someone ever wanted information. And even though I don't blame you at all about Hydra brainwashing you during your time in Washington, it kind of just reaffirmed what I had thought in the first place. But you're family to me and I shouldn't have kept it from you." 

I didn't say much, only nodded my head as he told me his side of things. It took me a moment to absorb what he had said. It wasn't like I could blame him, there were tons of things I knew from reading others minds. Obviously Hydra had had a hold on me, and they could have accessed a lot of information when they had me. 

"Clint it's okay. I understand," I simply said, squeezing his hand. He nodded and seemed happy over this. 

"I'm glad, and I hope we can go back to the way things were," he told me sincerely. "I'm going to give you some time to rest." He gave me a kiss on the forehead before exiting the room. Giving Steve a pat on the shoulder as they passed each other through the door way. 

Steve was grinning from ear to ear as he walked in. I gave him a suspicious look as he walked in.

"What?" I asked him curiously, not sure what he was so happy about.

"I am just so proud of you," he said, as he sat on the bed beside me. Brushing back a stray hair from my face. "You were the bigger person today. It showed a new side of you."

"Well I learn from the best. Plus I learned that family is everything, and a hot fiance might be a bright side too," I told him chuckling. 

Steve laughed too, giving me a peck on the cheek. Everything seemed to feel right, even if I was in a hospital bed. 

"So when the hell do I get to leave this place?" I asked impatiently. 

"There's my girl." 

~A/N So everyone this was a LONG chapter! I really hope you enjoyed it!! We are getting closer to the end, and I really hope you all are enjoying where this is going. I really enjoy writing for these characters and their story. 

As always please leave me a vote or comment if you enjoyed the story. I appreciate seeing them and always try to respond to comments. 

Question of the chapter; Do any of you watch Game of Thrones?~

The Captain's Love {3rd Book} {Captain America Fanfiction}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant