After All These Years You're Here

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After 20 minutes he finally came back in with this huge smile on his face.

After 20 minutes he finally came back in with this huge smile on his face

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"Someone looks very happy." I said trying not to sound mad.

"I never imagined this would happen." He said dropping himself on the couch.

"So I'm guessing you two were pretty serious back in the day." I said going to sit closer to him.

"I always thought I would marry her, she was the one girl in this town that didn't care about how many cars I drove or how much money I would one day inherit she cared about me plain old Adam and then when my cousin got sick of cancer she was with me every single step of the way when he passed away she wouldn't leave my side, she even got this hospital to dedicate a whole wing to kids just like him and every week she would go and spend time with them she's the best and by the looks of it she still is." He said sitting up.

"You know this might sound crazy but I kind of want to follow her to Florida I mean I have a business meeting there anyways but it's not until next month, I was going to ask if you want to come with me." He said pulling out his phone.

"Lets go." I said without thinking.

"Really?" He said seeming surprised.

"Yeah I mean we can say we had meeting there starting tomorrow because they rescheduled and on the way we can reschedule with them companies if they can't then we can just go back next month." I said getting up and texting Aj

"Are you sure?" He said getting up and following me.

"Of course come on let's go, you said you haven't checked into your hotel right?" I said as we walked down to the parking structure.

"Yeah I have my things in my car." He said leading me to his car.

"Great we can stop by my house real quick I have a suitcase already packed by the door." I said he simply nodded.

After we stopped by my house we finally made it to the air port, Adam thought it would be a good idea to take a private plane there to be faster and it was because as soon as we got there we saw Nicole sitting with the baby waiting for her bags to be brought to her, as she was waiting Adam went to go get the car he asked to be ready for him when he landed when he came in we saw Nicole revive her things and we followed her out we got in the car as she got in a car of her own and drove away.

Okay so I know this is a little stalker like but I just can't let her and Adam get back together I know it's selfish considering that I'm married and Nicole has a right to rebuild her life so why am I so invested in making sure she stays alone?

Adam suddenly stopped the car I looked up to see Nicole stop in front of this gorgeous mansion

she turned onto the driveway and parked the car she didn't bother to take out her things only the baby she walked up to the door and knocked what we saw next took us by surprise

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she turned onto the driveway and parked the car she didn't bother to take out her things only the baby she walked up to the door and knocked what we saw next took us by surprise.

"NICK?" We both said at the same time...



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