We Have Been Lied To All These Years....

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(Chapter 29)


Nikki's POV

Once I told him he was dead quiet for a second he just kept looking at us and I didn't know what to do I know what I wanted to do, a part of me wanted to yell at him and abandoning me when I needed him the most, making me believe he loved me when he didn't or at least that's what I believed why else would he not show up, but I also wanted to just sit on his lap take his face in my hands and kiss the life out of him, I wanted him to hold me because I've missed being in his arms. I was about to say something when AJ came in a balling mess she looked like me a few minutes ago, John instantly ran to her side to make sure she was okay when she said the words that broke my heart.

"Were having a baby." She said rubbing her stomach that was still flat.

"What!?" John said a bit shocked.

"I've been feeling sick so I decided to take a pregnancy test and it came back positive." She said bouncing up and down as I tried so hard not to cry.

"Congratulations." I said going over to Anthony and picking him up. "Being a mother is something so beautiful." I grabbed my purse and walked out of the room I was waiting for the elevator when John came up to me.

"Nicole wait." He said trying to stop me when the elevator doors opened.

"Your wife is waiting for you John." I said getting in when he got in with me.

"Nicole you just told me I have a son, you can't just leave." He said angry.

"Look come to my house tomorrow and we can talk till then go back to your wife she's carrying you child." I said as I pushed him out of the elevator and closed the doors.

Aj's POV

I didn't like the fact that John told me he was staying late to work, he said he was going to be alone I didn't believe him, so I went to the office and I waited for everyone to leave, I saw Nicole's nanny to leave but Nicole never left, I saw someone come to deliver food John received it and went back up I knew he was lying to me, so I parked the car and called him to see if he would tell me the truth I asked him if he was alone and he said yes that everyone was gone that he was alone. I got so mad I quickly made it up to his office and found that he wasn't there, I was about to call him again when I heard laughing coming from the conference room I walked slowly and I heard then talking.

"John we have a baby." Nicole said and I was scared, if they talked they would find out the whole truth they can't walk.

I bursted in and told John I was pregnant, Nicole left quickly and John went after her, that hurt me but I knew he wanted to see his son.

"Are you sure you're pregnant." John said coming back into that room.

"Yes." I said hoping he would believe me.

"How many test did you take?" He said.

"Only one." I said.

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