“What did you find out, Gama?” asked Raden.

“There’s a guy, here in town, who supposedly was touched by God. At least that’s what a lot of people are saying.”

“You mean he is marked by the One?” asked Kara

“Yea, yea… you don’t have to rub it in,” retorted Gama.

“Rub what in, I didn’t say anything rude?” asked Kara defensively.

“Oh nothing, never mind.”

“So where do we find this guy, Gama?” asked Raden.

“He moves around from district to district, covered in rags, avoiding people and scavenging for food. He was last seen in Restaurant Alley, sleeping behind a bar called the Crazy Hookfish.”

Raden rose to his feet. “Let’s go then.”

“I just got here, Rad, carrying these two big bags of bananas, too.”

“They’re rotten bananas, why did you carry them in the first place?” asked Kara.

Gama stood there, staring at his bushels of blackened fruit. Why did I carry them all the way back?

“Good point.” He tossed them at some stray dogs sitting beneath the shade of the fountain, where they, too, refused his kind gesture.

It was late afternoon when they found the Crazy Hookfish. A seedy establishment hidden off the main road in Restaurant Alley, its clientele consisted of cheap drunkards who routinely passed out in their seats. It was cramped inside. Only four wooden tables could fit, and a makeshift bar made of logs was attached to the wall. The floors and walls were filthy, blackened dirt smeared everywhere, appearing as if it hadn’t been cleaned in decades.

The group made their way towards the bar. The bartender had her back towards them, cleaning out cups with the dirtiest towel they’d ever seen.

Raden began. “Excuse me, but I’m looking for someone. A man. I was wondering if you’d seen him.”

“Lots of men come in here,” responded the bartender without turning around. Her voice was deep and gruff, throwing Raden a bit off. Lots of men come in here? I highly doubt that, thought Raden.

“What’s he look like?” asked the bartender.

“Well, he wears dirty rags, and supposedly… has been touched… by God.”

The bartender stopped cleaning her cups, putting them down upon the dust-covered bar. “Perhaps I have… perhaps I haven’t. I may know something about him, for the right price.”

“Is everyone in this town a crook?” Gama shouted.

“Easy, Gama.” Raden patted Gama on the shoulder, trying to calm him down.

“What’s the price?” he asked.

“How much gold pieces you got on ya?” The bartender finally turned around. She was the ugliest woman Gama had ever seen; he couldn’t even feign his reaction. Her eyes were too wide apart, nose too big with warts growing abound and hair prickling out. She only had three teeth remaining, yellow and stained, somehow managing to stay fixed in her mouth.

“Well, how much ya’ll got?” she continued.

“About twenty gold pieces.” Raden answered.

“Don’t know anyone like that, then.” The bartender turned around and went back to cleaning her cups.

Kara jumped over the bar, butterfly knife already out, and in a moments notice, she had the bartender by the neck. “We asked nicely and you answer us with disrespect!” Kara pushed the knife closer to the woman’s neck, pricking her slightly and causing the woman to shake nervously.

“I’ll ask again, where is he?”

“He’s in the fish market! I saw him there this morning, sleeping by the river! Please don’t hurt me!” cried the bartender.

Kara released her hold, twirling the butterfly knife closed in her fingers. “Thanks for the info. You guys ready to go?”

Gama and Raden stood there speechless. Not knowing what to say about what had just happened, the only thing to do was leave.

Raden tried. “Kara, maybe that wasn’t the most civil way to get an answer. Maybe we should’ve—”

“But it worked, and we don’t have any more time to lose.” She continued, “more importantly, are you guys ready to see a man touched by God, because he’s sleeping down by the river.”


I will post one chapter each Saturday (there are 50 chapters in all). If you just can’t wait, you can buy the complete book and other titles in the Prophecy Rock Series at Amazon, B&N, Kobo, Sony, iBooks, and Smashwords.

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