Chapter 8

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I am walking down the halls of my very ugly high school when I hear someone who can't be possibly calling my name calling my name. So I ignore it.

"Samantha! Wait up!"

I walk faster.

Suddenly, Nate has run ahead of me and steps in front of me, blocking my path to Geometry. "Hey," he says, panting, "I've been trying to find you."

What is going on? First, I get the last slice of pizza at lunch. Now, Nate Donavan is calling my name and chasing after me? Did someone sprinkle some good luck on me or what? I should buy a lottery ticket...

"Sorry, I thought I heard you calling for someone else."

"I was yelling 'Samantha'." He looks adorable as he fixes his confused blue eyes on me, his smooth dark hair slightly disheveled from the run, but still a messy perfection. Boys have it so easy, I swear.

What was he talking about again?

"Anyway, I just wanted to ask you something," he says when I don't respond.

"Sure, what's up?" I say in a bubbly voice, hoping to erase the memory of me gawking at his hair like an idiot instead of responding. 

The halls are pretty empty now; everyone's gone to their classes. A few of the students remaining shoot glances toward our direction as they head to their classrooms. I flip my hair over my shoulder.

"Have you seen Nathalie today?"

I knew it!

"Um...actually, no. She didn't come today. I could call her and – "

"Could you? Please?" I look up at Nate, who doesn't seem concerned that we both have class or that we are now the only ones in the hall.

"You mean right now?"


I decide to stop asking questions and just do as he says, because he's starting to make me feel nervous.

The phone rings and rings, and we stand in awkward silence until I reach voicemail.

"What do you think is going on?" He asks when Nathalie doesn't pick up after the third call.

"What do you mean?" Truthfully, even though Nathalie and I are best friends, we've almost never spoken over the phone. She's not the type to chat on phone calls like most girls, she hardly even texts, either. So I'm not really that concerned.

"She's never missed school," he replies, surprising me. How would he know that unless he paid attention?

It's true. She's never missed a day of school. But Nathalie and I have an unspoken understanding. She's very private about her life, and I think it has to do with a lot of stuff in her past, especially her parents. She gets awfully defensive whenever I ask her questions about her personal life and she started distancing herself from me when I pried too much. That's why I just make it a point to be there for her while respecting her privacy. And that's why I'm not surprised she's not answering her phone right now.

"Nate, everything's fine. Why are you so worried?"

Nate looks down, looking like he's deciding how much to tell me. "We're supposed to meet up after the game tonight." 

I knew about that. I may even know more about it than Nathalie. I've always known that Nate liked her. From the way he pays full attention to her when she's called on and effortlessly answers any questions in class, to the glances he sneaks in the direction of our table at lunch, to that time Nathalie got hurt playing volleyball in PE and he dropped his game and ran across the gym to see if she was okay. She never noticed, but I did. Nathalie is observant of everything except what's right in front of her. 

"I guess you guys can still meet up, right?" 

Nate looks hesitant and unsure. I realize at once what he's worried about. 

"Nate, you don't think Nathalie skipped school just to avoid you, do you?" I ask, while studying his expression to affirm my suspicion. 

When he looks away, my heart almost melts for him. This boy is helplessly in love with my best friend. And there's not much I can do to help. 

"Nate, she wouldn't do that."

"Are you sure? I think maybe I pushed it too far by asking her."

"What do you mean?" 

"Nothing. Thanks for calling her. I'll see you around." 

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